The Agreement

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"Can we talk about this?" Jungkook finally asked once he'd calmed down enough. He knew he fucked up, he knew Jimin had every right to walk away. But he was selfish by nature and he still wanted Jimin. 

He needed Jimin. 

"The only thing I'll discuss is Ry. You and I are done, the topic is off the table" 

His heart broke a bit more. Jimin was serious about leaving him behind, the only way to keep him in his life and the only bit of hope to keep him around was his daughter. But could he really use her as leverage? 

He looked at the way Jimin held her, he looked at the playmat on the floor, the bottles lined up by the sink washed out and ready to use, he looked at how she slept peacefully on his chest and he figured he could. Jimin loved her after all. 

"You love her, and you want to be part of her life"

"Her life, not yours" Jimin nodded 

"Okay" Jungkook sighed and wiped his face with his hands "would you want joint custody? We can do a written agreement. She has no mom, she needs two parents and you've been doing this for three months now. I won't keep her from you" 

Jimin eyed him for a while "is this a joke? A trick? What's your endgame here? I just broke up with you and you're offering me to still see your daughter. That's not..that makes no sense" 

Jungkook wanted to tell him that if they continued to see each other, even just for Arya, that he could win Jimin back. He could make it up to both of them for all of the ways he fucked up. He could make sure Jimin didn't fall into the arms of someone else. He could sweet talk him over time into coming back. 

But that's selfish. 

"You love her. And, I love you. I can't hurt you like that. I think I've hurt you enough. I also have to do right by her, I haven't yet, and I know I can't do this alone" 

"A written signed agreement, you can't take it back five years from now" 

He hadn't thought of that. 

Not like he would, because even if his plan fails, he's still telling the truth. He doesn't want to hurt either of them anymore. 

"I know" 

An hour later a mock contract was written, signed, photographed, and tucked into an envelope, hidden in Jimin's jewelry box. 

"So, tomorrow?" Jimin asked softly

"Yeah" Jungkook took a deep breath "I'd like you to bring Arya to say goodbye. I'm not going to be able to take her home for a few more days if that's alright" 

"Of course" Jimin nodded "do you need help making the, um, arrangements?" 

"You'd help me?"

"Jungkook, one thing I want you to know is that I love you. I'm here for you, I just can't be with you" 

"I understand" he nodded, again, telling the truth. He wouldn't want to be with him either right now "and yes, I could use help. It's going to be..hard to say the least" 

"And her family?"

"We're all sitting right here" he shrugged

Sylvie hadn't known Jimin for very long, but the way they clicked made her love him instantly. And Jungkook knew Jimin loved her just as much. As far as family goes, it's not just himself and Arya, but Jimin too. 

"I'll be there for you through this. You're still not alone kook" Jimin's words and compassion made Jungkook cry again. He really did abandon the two best things to ever happen to him. And as much as he hopes he can fix it, he feels undeserving. 

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