Jealousy, Death, and Promises

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Jimin woke up and smiled at the little baby girl sound asleep beside him. He felt better knowing he'd be part of her life for the rest of his. He kissed her forehead and stretched to stand up, his mind wandered to Jungkook. 

Would he even still be in the guest room? 

Or did he leave them already? 

Probably left already, Jimin figured as he shook his head and left his bedroom. He's still in love with him, and consequently that means he'd still do anything for him. He just can't be with him. It was easy, too easy, for Jungkook to walk away from them. Forgiving him for that would've been..doable. But his words from the hospital were still ringing in the air. 

Jimin thought Jungkook was the most selfless person he'd ever met. 

That day, and the weeks that followed, only showed him just how selfish Jungkook can be. 

And it was ugly and hurtful. 

If he can walk away from his own father for the sake of his own happiness, he could try to walk away from Jungkook. 

"Morning" Jungkook mumbled as Jimin walked into the kitchen

"Oh, you stayed" his eyes widened. He didn't mean to sound rude, but he was caught off guard.

"Yeah? We're going to the hospital today, right?" 

"Yeah" he nodded and rubbed his eyes "sorry, just woke up" 

"You're always disoriented in the morning" Jungkook chuckled as he handed Jimin a cup of coffee the way he likes it 

"Thanks" he took it and sat down 

"I also, don't blame you for thinking I left already" Jungkook mumbled as he opened the fridge to grab some eggs, Jimin nodded and sipped his coffee. He didn't feel the need to respond.  Jungkook knew he fucked up, and Jimin wasn't the kind of person to rub it in someone's face. 

His petty side had a slew of sentences resting on the tip of his tongue; 

'At least you didn't use me to get off this time'

'At least you tried to be a father for once last night' 

'Oh I'm so thankful you stuck around for ONE night' 

'This coffee tastes like a fucked up peace offering, thanks' 

But again, he wouldn't voice them. 

"What time does she usually wake up?"

Jimin glanced at the clock and sighed "about now, if you're making eggs make her one scrambled. Now that she has a tooth I need to start feeding her soft foods, I'll go shopping for baby food" 

"Okay" Jungkook nodded and ignored the fact that Jimin said 'I' instead of 'we' but he knew it would take a while for Jimin to adjust to not being a single 'dad' and to trust Jungkook again enough to depend on him. 

"Are you alright?" Jimin's question took them both by surprise 

"Not really. No. But, I need to focus on you and Arya. Sylvie..admittedly she's been..gone..this entire time. I've done nothing but prolong the process. I need t-to do what's best for her and everyone else. And letting go is the best option" 

Jimin nodded and frowned "I understand kook, I would do the same for Tae" 

Jungkook tried not to get jealous, he knew Tae and Jimin were best friends like he and Sylvie. But, Jungkook is gay. There was never even a slight chance for anything to happen between him and her. Tae and Jimin are both gay, and regrettably single men, who have been best friends for over a year, share a bed, and Tae has been there while Jungkook wasn't. Tae even knew Arya more than he did. 

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