Helping out

336 29 5

Jimin tried to take care of Jungkook. 
He wouldn't eat
He wouldn't sleep
He wouldn't drink
He just held himself up in Sylvie's room with his hand on hers and stared at the wall. 
He was broken. 

Jimin tried to get him to visit Arya, but he wouldn't. 

When Jimin brought Arya to the room Jungkook looked away, the only attention he gave was when he had to sign her birth certificate and officially name her. 

"What do I do?" Jungkook asked as Jimin sat beside him and rested his hand on his knee "she needs to go home. She can't stay here, but I can't leave Sylvie here alone" 

Jimin hadn't thought about that. He assumed Jungkook would snap out of it, be excited for his daughter, want to take her home, and they would visit Sylvie whenever he wanted. 

Jimin thought it over for a while, he was currently out of work, and he had enough savings to remain unemployed for at least two years (if he lived carefully) so he made a plan. 

"I can take her home, I'm not working. I can stay at your house with her and take care of her" 

"You'd do that for us?"

"Of course" Jimin nodded "the three of you need me, and I love you. All three of you. I'd love to help" 

"Thank you" Jungkook gave him a half smile and turned away from him, putting his focus back on Sylvie's sleeping body. Jimin frowned as he watched his boyfriend. How long would this last? 

Jimin went to his apartment where Tae was already waiting for him on the couch 

"You're sure about this minnie?"

"Of course. He needs me right now, I can't leave him to do this on his own. I'll be fine" he nodded as he began packing his bags "it won't be long anyway. He'll come for Arya" he nodded

"I hope you're right" Tae sighed and hugged his best friend "when you start working again, let me know, I'll apply in the same office. I can't work for your father after what happened. But I can't afford not to work right now. Also, Jungkook better understand I'll be at his house at least once a week to see you" 

"I'm sure he knows" Jimin chuckled and hugged his best friend back 

"I'm taking her home today" Jimin said quietly as he sat beside Jungkook 

"Okay" he nodded 

"Do you want to see her before we leave?"

"No" he shook his head "that's okay, I'm sure she's fine" 

"She's only three days old kookie. I know I love her, but it's probably not the same as being with her dad" 

"Neither of us share her DNA, I'm sure she'll be fine with you until we come home" 

That didn't sit right with Jimin. But he also understood that Jungkook was going through a lot and feeling a lot. So, he kissed his boyfriend's head, kissed Sylvie's cheek, and left the room to go get their daughter and take her home. 

"Hey princess" Jimin cooed as he picked her up from the nurse 

"Here's a bag with some extra supplies. I'll walk you out to make sure the car seat is adjusted properly" 

"Thank you" he smiled and led the nurse to his car, he strapped Arya into her seat and once the nurse gave him the go ahead, he got in and drove carefully to Jungkook's house. 

"This is home" he said softly as he carried her into the house, he dropped his bags with a thud and carefully placed her carrier on the table so he could unstrap her and get her situated in her crib. He smiled as she slept and decided to send a picture to Jungkook 

Jimin: we're here, sleeping beauty is already in her crib ♡ 

Jungkook: 👍🏻 

He frowned and put his phone away. 

Being a single father was never in Jimin's plans.


But after the first two weeks of changing diapers, feedings, late night cries, screaming, bathing, and trying to take care of himself on top of that, that's exactly what he felt like. 

He was cooking, cleaning, taking care of a baby, carrying her around the grocery store, feeding her half asleep at three in the morning, and not once had Jungkook come home. 

They'd texted, well, Jimin had texted and Jungkook read them. He considered it a good day when he got even a small response. 

Tae had come by twice already, Jimin was thankful for the break. Tae would watch Arya as he got a shower, shaved, and took a nap. He needed more of a reprieve, but what could he possibly do? He wasn't going to rush his boyfriend, or complain when he had offered to take the reins. So instead, he smiled and tried to be the best 'father' he could, as well as the best boyfriend for Jungkook. 

He loved the little girl so much anyway. It didn't feel like a chore taking care of the little princess. 

Three days shy of a month, Jimin was half asleep feeding the baby at four in the morning when he heard someone come in the front door. He quietly left Jungkook's bed and carried Arya to her crib, he laid her down and walked towards the living room only to find Jungkook in the kitchen eating a piece of bread 

"You're home" he smiled wide and wrapped his arms around Jungkook from behind 

"They said if I didn't go home for at least one night they'd call CPS on me for child abandonment" 

"Oh" his eyes widened 

"I need a shower" Jungkook walked away from him, he frowned before following behind him 

"She's asleep, but if you want to hold her I can bring her to your bed an-"

"Let her sleep" he mumbled as he stripped off the clothes he'd been wearing for almost a month. Jimin knew it wasn't the time or place to gawk at his boyfriend, but he'd been feeling neglected and overworked. He took in his boyfriend's naked form and frowned again. Jungkook was losing weight, and with it, he was losing his muscle mass. He looked malnourished and his eyes looked empty. 

"After your shower you should get some sleep my love. Sleeping in your own bed should do you some good"

"I will" he nodded as he got into the shower and turned on the hot water "join me?" 

Jimin couldn't say no. So he stripped down and got into the shower with his boyfriend. 

In seconds Jungkook had his chest pinned to the wall and was fingering him open, no words were exchanged, no love, no praises, just sex. Jimin whimpered as Jungkook thrusted into him hard and fast, making him moan. Jungkook was panting and breathing heavily, none of his beautiful moans that Jimin had fallen for, no care for how he was manhandled by his boyfriend. And Jimin took what he gave because he missed him. He loved him, and he knew that even though Jungkook was hurt and in pain, he loved him back just as much. And if taking care of his daughter and giving him his body for a few moments could help carry the weight, he'd do it every day. 

They were dressed and laying in Jungkook's bed, Jimin was cuddled up against him with his head on his chest while Jungkook stared at the ceiling and ran his hand mindlessly up and down Jimin's spine. Jimin smiled, he'd missed sleeping beside Jungkook so the feeling of warmth lulled him to sleep in seconds despite the sun beginning to rise. 

Jimin woke up to Arya crying, he checked the time and noticed it was only six in the morning. He'd slept for an hour, he rolled over to find Jungkook was gone.  He got up and made his way to the nursery expecting Jungkook to be tending to the baby, only to find her alone screaming in her crib. He picked her up and soothed her before changing her diaper and taking her out to the living room. Jungkook's jacket, keys, and shoes were gone. 

He'd left them already. 

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