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Takemichi POV

It was such a nice day, at least that was what i thought...After buying the groceries i usually buy. I went to walk around a bit before going back home i went near a quiet alleyway and stared. "They're not here anymore.." I thought feeling a bit down but just sighed and went back to my place.

"Hmm, maybe i should just make omurice for dinner..—wait..is my apartment door opened?! I'm absolutely sure i closed it! Did someone broke in?! No don't be ridiculous takemichi why would anyone try and steal from someone as poor as me" I thought to myself while shaking my head, i gulped and grabbed one of my shoe while quietly going inside prepared to be facing deat-

Only to be met by a loud of whispered, shouting, and footsteps. I then took a deep breath and ran inside where i heard the voices "OI!! I DONT HAVE ANYTHING VALUABLE!! SO ROB SOMEONE ELSES HOUSEE!!" I shouted but not loud enough for the whole apartment to hear:)



"HAH?!" I shouted once again after seeing so many kids in his apartment "Ah!! There he is!!" Said one of them with a blond hair as well, he pointed at me before running towards me and jumping onto me while hugging my waist tightly "I'm so glad we found youu~~" he continued while i just had a confused expression and stared blankly "hah?"

"Ahh!! The cutiee! We miss youu!!" Another kid said, but i felt something pulling me as i turned to see a blond and blue mixed colored hair boy tucking my shirt and looked at me. He spread his arms "does he want to be carried?" I thought before carrying him up

End of Takemichi POV

The other kids could see mikey the blond who ran and jump towards takemichi and Rindou who asked to be carried. They were filled with jealous and anger at the two

"A-ano, h-how and why are you all here?" Takemichi who had been quiet for a while then spoke as he put mikey and rindou down and sat down on the floor with his knees bend

"A-ano, h-how and why are you all here?" Takemichi who had been quiet for a while then spoke as he put mikey and rindou down and sat down on the floor with his knees bend

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(He's sitting like that)

"Hm? Oh! We followed you! Though we got lost but then saw you going out from this apartment room and we quickly went here!" Mikey answered quickly "a-ah.."

"But why would you all follow me?" Takemichi asked again "eh? Because you gave us food and water yesterdayy!" Mikey said "and you even gave us your umbrella!" Chifuyu added "ohh...wait..WHAT?! You guys were the cats i fed?!!"

"Yeah!!" The all answered in sync "We love you now so we will live with you!" Kazutora who suddenly appeared on takemichi left shoulder said "but my apartment is a bit small i don't think you would all fit"

"That's easy! We'll just have a death match to who can stay!" "NO!"

"Hah, I'll try and organize a room for you all then" takemichi stood up and put kazutora down "So what are your names?"

"Ahah! Our names!"

"You can call me Mikey!"

"I'm Shinichiro"

"I'm draken!"



"I'm mitsuya"


"I'm Nahoya but call me smiley!"


"You can call him angry, I'm Hakkai"




"I'm Izana!"







Ahahah so in this story shinichiro is alive :>, also there are 20 simps that broke in takemichi apartment.

"Ichi, ni, san,...,...,...,...,.......There's 20 of you?!"

"Hah...well there goes all my saying for their food and expenses now.." The blond thought "ah gomen/sorry, i usually always stop them from doing stupid things like this but..we really wanted to see you" Said Shinichiro as he smiled at Takemichi, his baby blue ocean eyes then almost cried but he held it back and smiled softly "It's alright I'm some how happy you all wanted to see me" Replied takemichi as he patted shinichiro head softly "Ah! No Fair!! Shinichiro got a headpat!!" Mikey who was easdropping then yelled and pointed at both takemichi and shinichiro

"Oh yeah i forgot to introduce my self- I'm Hanagaki Takemichi" Takemichi who doesn't want his apartment to be full of shouting and yelling quickly changed the subject

"Oh right! What do you guys want for dinner?"

"Do you guys want omurice?"

"Mhm mhm!!" They all nodded, The blond chuckled before walking towards the kitchen

While eating they all noticed takemichi wasn't eating anything he was just washing the dishes that were used to make the omurice "takemichy- aren't you eating?" Mikey asked, "takemichy?, don't worry about it mikey i already ate anyways when i was working" The male smiled softly at them before going back to washing the dishes. And then the most difficult part to decide...


"Uhm- can you all turn to cats again?"

"Yeah we can!"

"Well even if they did turn to cats i still don't think there's enough room...hah"

"Alright then you turn back to cats and sleep on the bed"

"What about you takemichy?"

"Like i said don't worry, you all just sleep for now" And again they were answered by a kind, gentle, and warm smile from takemichi.

The blond ended up sleeping on the floor beside the bed with one pillow and a very thin blanket, they all felt bad but takemichi insisted. After he was asleep they all turned back to kids "Hmm...he's so kindd~" Izana spoke as he went over to see takemichi sleeping face "don't wake him up izana" kakucho added going down from the bed "hm, but this form isn't to comfortable for me" Draken then turned into an adult size instead of a kid size "and you said we shouldn't turn to our adult size kenchin!" Mikey whined "Mikey shut up or takemichi might wake up" Said Shinichiro

"Takemichy sleeping face is adorable~" Kazutora said in a childish like tone, "oh yeah, oi! Rindou! Wtf were u doing asking to be carried! I also wanted to be carried by takemichi!" Ran kept hitting rindou in his kid size form while rindou in his adult form "Oh shut up you jealous of a brother" Replied the younger sibling

"Smiley don't do that he will wake up!" Angry scolded his older twin but was ignored "nooo his cheek is so softt"

"Everyone back to sleep!!"



Just a random story i thought of while in online school so decided to make this-

Hope you like the story! ( ◠‿◠ )

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