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"Ah! Akashi! Shinichiro! Don't go there!"

"Get back here you a$$hole!!"

"I just hugged him!!"

"You're not allowed too..!!"

"Ahhh!! Chotto matte/Wait up!!"

It had been like that for awhile takemichi was chasing Shinichiro and Takeomi while Shinichiro was chasing akashi, turns out that akashi hugged takemichi when he was cooking and that somehow that angered shinichiro to chase him around the apartment. Everyone else got woken up and just watched the whole thing while eating their breakfast. "Are you guys gonna live here too now?" Asked Senju as he looked over to wakasa who's secretly mocking akashi "hm? Ah yeah maybe-" "Welp that's more rivals for me then.." Hakkai said as he sighed "I have 23 freakin rivals now" Baji said "Wait who's the other 2" Kazutora then asked turning over to the long black haired male "His two friends that keep coming here, you idiot"

"You don't have to hit me everytime you say something to me..!!"

"Foresome habit"

"Liar! You and your ridiculously long disgusting hair!"

"I have a beautiful hair.."

"Beautiful my a$$-"

"Alright stop fighting you two" Mitsuya luckily stopped them and hit both of them on the head

Of course shinichiro managed to catch akashi after that they all ate breakfast in peace "Ne Takemichy I'm bored!" Mikey said hugging the blond male by the waist "Stop hugged him Mikey" Draken rolled his eyes seeing his friend always hugging takemichi

"Well i can't exactly bring all 22 of you guys outside can i?"

A smirk appeared on Mikey face "Jaa/Well....how about just me and takemichy~" He said whispering to the other ear Mikey suddenly turned to his adult size form and still kept hugging the startled takemichi, a wide grind was on his face as he received such death glares from everyone else, "M-mikey-..!!?" Takemichi face was now blushing red as he was one of mikey arm hugged him by his shoulders while the other by his waist "Oh you little rat!!" Baji and Draken also turned to their adult size form and seperated the two.

"Takemichy is mine!!" Kazutora and Chifuyu said at the same time they paused and looked at each other before pushing each other away from takemichi "He is mine you banana!!" "What are you talking about..?! Takemichi clearly loves me more"

"Nah he definitely loves us more" Said Ran as he pushed both of them away and hugged takemichi rindou also hugged the blond and stuck his tongue out. "Hahhaha, too bad takemichy doesn't like both of you" Hanma who easily snatched Takemichi away said "He doesn't want to be stuck with a bunch of idiots" Kisaki added "HAH!??" All of them shouted

"Takemichi clearly want someone that could cook delicious food for him" Mitsuya said crossing his arms "Nonono he clearly wants someone that could give him all his needs and cuddle with him everyday" Said Shinichiro "Takemichi will be saver with us though you are all not dependable" Angry who interrupted the two said "Besides why choose one when he can choose both of us" Smiley also added "Hah? He'll be tired with you two annoying him all the time" Said Baji as they glared at each other "Exactly which is why he should just be with me" Senju continued "I'm more better than you so he'll be better off with me" Wakasa then received a glare from senju

"I don't care what you all say Takemichi is mine!!" Mikey shouted out loud "G-guys-" "No he's mine!!" "You're so small that other people will think your his child or something!" "Yeah you chibi!!" "TAKE THAT BACK!!"



"So..mind explaining what's all this?" They all then realized the children clothes they were wearing were ripped, they were all in there adult size form that they never told takemichi about and that they had been shouting and yelling very loudly. "A-anoo..."

"Explain in a language i will understand in 5 seconds or all of you will sleep outside like that."


"Hahaha, since all of you guys can turn to adults now....Go and get a job."

They all flinched and backed away from the angry takemichi, "I-i'm the one that needs to cook and clean so i can't have a job" "mh-mhmm! And i have to look after all of them in case they do something stupid."

"Hmm, alright you two can stay here and do all the chorus" Even though he was smiling he was far from happy-

"Now. Get a job or stay here quietly and don't make a mess ever time i get home"

Takemichi had to shop for new clothes for all of them using his money that he just received from his work. "Things i do for a being a nice person.." He thought when buying all those clothes

"Hey takemichi let's go and have a drink!!" Yamagishi said as he put his arms around the said male shoulders "ah sorry- i'm broke right now.." "didn't we all just got pay yesterday though" Said Akkun takemichi other friend/co-worker "I used it all to buy clothes" "didn't know you like clothes that much that you'll spend all your money for it.."

"And even if you did buy clothes i dont you would just spend it all like that in a day"



"The cats increase now i have 22 cats to feed.."

"...daijobu/are you alright?.."

"If I'm answering honestly no. I'm not."

"A-ah h-hey don't worry i'll buy you some food today.."

"Oh ya hear that takemichi yamagishi will be paying for us"

"Hah?! I'll just pay for takemichi and me go and pay for yourself!!"

Because of that takemichi ended up coming back home at 7.34 but before that the cats were panicking thinking he left them all-

"Ta- takemichi left us?"


"Takemichy im sorry!! Don't leave mee!!"

"We-we promise we'll be good!! Don't leave uss"

"Takemichy you weren't gonna leave us right..?!!"

Takemichi let out a huge sigh when he was instantly hugged by them all crying their eyes out as much as he wanted to get mad he really couldn't after seeing them thinking he'll leave them "Don't worry i won't leave you guys i just went out to eat with yamagishi and akkun"

"Besides if i did intended to leave you all i would never buy all those clothes and kick you all out of this apartment" He continued

That's when they all started to behave a bit more so they won't be thrown away by takemichi.(^∇^)

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