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Just like they had said, For the next four days all of them did all the cooking and cleaning while also taking care of the injured takemichi who is forced to be bedridden(not really)

Takemichi didn't really broke any of his bones and his body didn't ached as much after two days of resting but he sometimes tends to get headaches and dizziness at random times he also doesn't just lay down so they probably thought it was because of what south did so they shrugged it off. But after takemichi almost passed out in the bathroom because of it they decided to take extra caution and bought some medicine for the poor blond.

Takemichi had also called the place where he worked with saying that he has been getting headaches and his body was aching because he fell down the long stairs when he was in a hurry to go to work after being sick for a day and his boss believed it including his two co-workers/friends. (Oh and Takuya and Makoto are takemichi friends as well but they just don't work in the same place as the three).

It was annoying for the takesimps when Akkun and Yamagishi visited Takemichi though since they have to be in their cat form and his two friends will have all of takemichi attention until they leave which is 5 hours later but the have to endure it by just hissing at the two or clinging to Takemichi the whole time needlessly to say the feelings were mutual..^_^

Finally after four days takemichi could go back to do his usual things,although at his apartment he was always watched very carefully by the cats that were scared that he might passed out again or something but luckily it didn't happened, "I'm going to work noww I'll be back at around 6" Said Takemichi before closing the door(yes his door has been fixed)

Seeing their precious little blond gone now they did their own thing "Oh yeah, where did you guys put south?" Shinichiro asked out of the blue turning to the three Mikey, Kazutora, and Izana The three of them stayed quiet for a second or two as a drop of sweat fell down their cheek "With his gang of course!" Mikey said first "m-mhm, where else would we put him?" Izana added "Why is it important anyways?" Kazutora continued crossing his arms

"I need to talk with him about takemichi, I'll go there then"

More sweat started dripping down as the three watch Shinichiro turning to his adult size form and walk outside the door "so...where did you three idiots put him?" Baji asked ".....The dumpster.." They answered in sync as all three of them looked away in different directions. "Won't he get ganged up by rokuhara gang?"



"Hahh, i wanted to see them get scolded by Shinichiro though" Senju muttered before sitting back on the sofa "shouldn't we help them?" "Nah i wanna see how this is going"

And after an hour later they came back, and by came back i meant shinichiro dragging all three of them by their shirt, Baji immediately laughed his a$$ out seeing them more specifically kazutora "So how did it go?" Mitsuya who surprisingly joined in asked the three who were dragged "...." They didn't answer but that just made the others laugh even more "Shut the hell up baji you motherf%\*£#!!" Kazutora shouted as he then began to fight with Baji "Hilarious" Senju commented as she smirked "You son of a b%$&*" Mikey said under his breath as he saw Senju smirk widened "This could've all never happen if you listen to me" Said Kakucho as he sighed "Shut your god damn mouth kakucho" Izana spatted as he was still crossing his arms with his eyes glaring at who knows what.

"Oh yeah, Shinichiro what did you want to ask that maniac about?" Hanma suddenly asked as he turned to the black hair male "About Takemichy" He answered not even bothering to look at the other male "I rather ask those two idiots that always come here instead of that bastard" Sanzu muttered a bit out loud

"Akkun, Yamagishi are you two sick?" Takemichi asked looking over to the two "N-no we're fine takemichi" both of them said as a slight red blush appeared on their cheek "I felt like someone was talking about me"

"Oi, those two don't even know we can turn to humans..!" Rindou replied as he then hit the pink haired male "Oi! You don't need to slap the back of my head to say that!!" Sanzu yelled as he put his left hand where he got hit "Sorry~ I thought if i hit your head you'll suddenly become smart for once in your freakin live!!" Rindou started with a childish tone but then ended his saying in a more harsh tone. Both of them started glaring at each other before Ran hit both of them on the head stopping their glaring session but then punch the male on both side of his face. "You are all so god damn loud..!! Quiet down will ya..?!!" Smiley who just went out of takemichi room said after changing to his adult form from his cat form.

"Urusai boke/ Shut up Dumba$$!!!"

A thick mark appeared on the side of nahoya forehead, "Oh yeah let's sneak into takemichy work place instead then" Chifuyu suddenly said stopping everyone from what they were doing and turning to him, Even though he said it as low as he could possibly be everyone still heard it "Hah! Well jokes on all of you me and kisaki were the one to follow takemichy to his work place since you all went to his home first!! Later losersss!!" Hanma who picked kisaki up like a soccer ball ran out as fast as he could before turning to his cat form with kisaki as well since he didn't wanted to fall to the cold hard ground












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