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All of them were now separated to not draw people's attention to why so many cats were outside a building. But they were all able to see their precious takemichi working and they've been like that for hours just watching the blond working his hardest but their moods turned sour when akkun one of takemichi friends and co-worker put his left arm around the blond shoulder.

"Ne takemichi you better come to work tomorrow too"

"Ackk— I'm not someone who doesn't come to work because they were asleep for half of the day like you akkun!!" Pouted takemichi as he was now looked like he was getting choked by his friend "Hah?" "I was joking let me goo!!!"

"Hahh...the boss said you can go home now since he knew about you getting attacked last time and was still recovering"

"Eh? Really? Is luck finally on my side?"

"Shut up you blond crybaby"

"Ack— I'm sorryy!!"

"Just go home and take a good.rest. because i'll be the one to do your work."


Of course the cats panicked and they all ran back to the apartment as fast as they could that they didn't noticed a few pairs of eyes watching them

"Hey, Isn't that him?"

"Mhm..where has he been all this time"

"Ah, he's also there with him-"

"Hahhh...let's go follow them then"



"Sorryy!! Eh- neko?!! Ar-are you- oh no ahat have i donee!! Are you dead? You're alive right? Ah! Another cat!" The ocean blue eyes stared at the two cats that he accidentally stepped on one of their tails, "hahahha oh this is hilarious"

"This bastard is probably laughing at me right noww"



"Sorry i stepped on your tail! Hmm i guess i can let you two stay..maybe they won't mind new cat friends- but there's already a lot of themm...ah both of you seems like friends wanna stay at my apartment? There's a lot of other cats there! And I'll clean you up since you two are dirty and a bit stinky right now" The male smiled softly seeing the two cats just stared at his big baby blue ocean eyes, he let out a small chuckle before walking back to his apartment.

"Hahh..okay thank..hah..goodness we made it-...i need waterr!!"

"Hahh...you are all cruel leaving me like that!!"

"Urusai/shut up!!...you're not..hahh...the one that had to..hahh....get away from that old lady!!"

All of them were sweating and very tired well how could they not really but the sound of the door knob stopped them like the dryness in their throat was gone and it suddenly quite cold they rushed to think they will be met by their adorable blond smiling fondly at them while saying "I'm backk!!" But it was definitely not what they were expecting

It was definitely their blond saying "I'm backk!!" But he was holding...two cats..that were completely comfortable in his warm arms snuggling to his shirt that smelled so damn nice- Inui was surprisingly the first to turn to his kid form as he ran to takemichi and grabbed takemichi shirt looking up to face him

"PLEASE DONT REPLACE ME OR THROW ME OUT IN THE STREETS!!" He shouted as he looked like he was about to cry "a-are..?"

"MHM DONT LEAVE ME TAKEMICHY!!" Mikey joined in as he was already in tears hugging takemichi "I-i don't wanna be replaced by takemichy!!" Chifuyu said hugging takemichi by the left "I-i'll promise to not fight moree!!" Now all of them were hugging and clinging to takemichi while crying either loudly or silently.

"O-oi!!" They all stopped and looked at takemichi "hahh, what's wrong with you all...of course i won't leave or replace you all" He continued as he smiled at them "I just found these two and took them in beside i dont think they could turn to kids like you guy-" and then they turned to kids and still kept clinging to takemichi "ah-" Takemichi mentally sighed as he thought he could finally have some normal cats as pets but his hopes went down very quickly. "Ah! Wakasa Takeomi..!?? Is was you two..?!" Shinichiro suddenly said

"Mhm, took ya long enough to realize you idiot" Said Wakasa as he leaned onto takemichi more "Oi! Don't just freely leaned on him like that!!" Said the jealous shinichiro "turns out you two were here all this time" Takeomi said as he also turned to senju who had a drop of sweat running down his face he was looking away from the slight glare. "Hahahh, well how can you blame me for not leaving"

"Shinichiro, you know these two?" The said male looked at the blond and nodded slightly "me and senju do know them"

"Ah! Right sorry for stepping on your tail" The pair of ocean blue eyes turned to akashi who was startled for a second but then softened seeing the adorable blond "mhm" he nodded

"Tched" Mikey clicked his tongue seeing how those two were being carried by takemichi. "Alright then! I'll go bathe these two noww" All of them went pale hearing that(except for takeomi and wakasa ofc)


The bathroom door was locked they all cried in defeated as the two were lucky to be bathe by takemichi. Not long after the three of them come out of the bathroom all fresh and clean "oh right you all have been sweating so much you should all take a bath" "....hai/okay.." they all said a bit lifeless that their Takemichi was stolen that easily by two cats that just came here. It was finally dinner- takemichi cooked an extra two for the next cats as they all ate and enjoy the food they were finally tired. Well mostly takemichi was tired since he still had a headache and dizzy at random time and he was back from work and cleaning the house as well.

And like before he slept on the floor with a pillow and a think blanket covering his soft white skin. A sigh was heard, it was not long after the cute blond fell asleep they were all still awake and watched him sleep peacefully and soundly

"Hup" Smiley and Angry gave takemichi the blanket since they didn't really need it when they have their fur to cover them up when they're sleeping, Draken was the one to slowly and carefully carried takemichi to his bed. They all smiled at the adorable sight of Takemichi sleeping before turning back to their cat form and sleeping where they could-

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