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Mitsuya and Kakucho was taking the cake out and putting the decorations, Shinichiro, Wakasa, Senju was on watch if takemichi wake up if that happens they'll be the one to distract him, Smiley, Angry, Chifuyu, Hakkai blew the balloons, the others decorated the place. After less than an hour later they were finally done with everything and at the most perfect timing Takemichi woke up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. He was a bit confused where the others were but he just woke up so he didn't think much of it

He opened his door and then..


Party strings were shot above the blond haired male as he was still dumbfounded, a bit of it was stuck on his hair and shoulders

"Happy Birthday Takemichy!~"

All of them said at the same time, senju was the one that was holding the cake infront of Takemichi. Ran and Rindou were the one's to fire the party strings

A drop of tear fell down to the floor, they could see Takemichi face starting to tear up a little but then he smiled at them "..Arigatou/Thank you.." He said in a soft and gentle tone with a close eyed smile that made all of them blush "I'm so happy" he added with a few drops of tears forming in his eyes "Mikey licked a bit of the cake though so he ruined it" Wakasa suddenly said that made them turned their attention to Mikey "I did not..!!" The blond said defending himself but they all knew he was lying since they saw it clearly with their own two eyes but hearing a small giggle from their one and only Takemichi made them blush once more it was like they heard the voice of an angel "Mikey you must've been hungry huh? You can eat more" The said boy face turned a bright shade of red as he suddenly got on his knees


"Ahaahaha you're so cute Mikey" keep in mind Mikey turned to his kid form and that's why takemichi didn't take it seriously granted he wouldn't take it seriously if he was in his adult form either but he would be blushing instead.

It was a very fun and happy day for the blond as it had been awhile for him to be surprise like this on his birthday, but soon after all of his cats fallen asleep either on the ground or in a sitting position with the heads on the table he smiled happily at them all before cleaning up the mess and falling asleep beside sanzu who was leaning on the side of the couch in his adult form.

Morning came and all of them shot death glares at the pink haired male who had a wide smirk plastered on his face "No fair! Why didn't takemichi just layed next to me instead!!" Mikey whined as he wanted to kill sanzu but Takemichi would wake up if he did that "Yeah! And why with pinkie pie over here" Izana continued as the two finally had something the agreed on beside takemichi "I bet takemichi next would hurt laying his head on you shoulder he should've just layed on my shoulder!!" Chifuyu suprisingly also said with a pout "Sanzu i swear i will kill you when takemichi wakes up" Senju this time threatens his brother who proceeds to ignore his words

A yawn was heard that stopped all of them and looked at the cute human being that made that adorable yawn "You are all awake? Sorry i was a bit tired Sanzu" Takemichi smiled at the pink haired "I-it's fine.." Sanzu face turned to a shade of red The blond then let out a small giggled before standing up "Have you all eaten yet?" He asked "No..!" All of them answered at the same time some of them are starting to imagine just tasting Takemichi delicious cooking again

And just as they suspected "Its delicious!!" They all thought when tasting the blond hair male food, "I'm going to go to work now, don't make too much of a mess"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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