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A certain purple haired male woke up smelling a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen, he was the first to wake up and decided to go to the kitchen.

There he saw takemichi all dress up and ready to go to his job "takemichy?" Mitsuya muttered out loud "ah mitsuya! You're already awake!" The blond male smiled at him and pointed towards one of the breakfast on the table "Eat your breakfast first" "m-mhm" Mitsuya then sat down at one of the chairs secretly glancing over to takemichi "..takemichy what time will you be going back from work.."

"Mhmm maybe at 6.25? Why?"

"Mhm, it's nothing" Mitsuya shook his head and started eating his breakfast, takemichi found that odd but brushed it off after finally finishing cooking all 20 plates of breakfast he went out to go work "Mitsuya don't forget to wake the others up and put the dishes in the sink"

"Mhm, good luck on your job takemichy"

"Arigatou" Takemichi gave mitsuya a quick peck on the forehead and went off to work. Closing the door mitsuya then suddenly turned to his adult form and woke the other lazy cats that were still sleeping. Took 5 full minutes for that

"Are!? Where's takemichy?!" Mikey asked as he had looked all over the apartment "he just went to his job now eat the breakfast he cooked for you all" Mitsuya answered as he pushed mikey to the table

"Takemichy food is so delicious~" Kazutora commented "I love takemichy cooking!" Ran continued as they gobbled up all the food and put them on the sink

"Ne mitsuya did takemichy told you when he'll be home?" Senju who just turned to his adult form asked (I'm making senju a boy in this story since i felt a bit bad if she was the only female—) "he said maybe at 6.25" Mitsuya lazily answered "that's so longgg i want to cuddle with takemichy~~" Mikey then whined

"You act like such a baby" Izana then said "HAH?!" And the two started fighting almost all of them sighed at the two who definitely can't last a day without fighting. "Oi, if you two get fighting the other neighbors might get mad and then blame takemichy" Shinichiro said and that stopped the two as they didn't want their takemichi to take the blame(more like force to take the blame)

"Mitsuya what are you doing?" Asked Hakkai who was putting his plate on the sink "hmm...I'm gonna make some food for takemichy when he comes home" all of them then looked at mitsuya

"Hey! You're trying to steal a headstart huh?!"

"I wanna help make food for takemichy!!"

"I wanna helpp!!"

"I won't let you!"

Mitsuya who originally just felt guilty about yesterday didn't say anything "oi..! There's 20 us and a small kitchen. So just go back lazing while watching tv." He said irritated though a little of him did wanted to get a headpat by the blond.

Meanwhile with Takemichi

"Hahh, i hope they won't make a mess later..." He thought before looking at the clock "10 more minutes.." he looked back at the computer screen "Make i should buy them so snacks.." He accidentally said

"Hm? You have pets takemichi?"

The said male flinched and turned around "a-ah, yeah sorta" He answered with a sheepish smile "ehh?? Why didn't you tell uss!" Another male said "So-sorry i forgot to tell you two" Takemichi shook his hands "hahh, well want me to buy those snacks for them?"

"It's alright akkun, i can do it myself" Takemichi said as he shook his hands and smiled "What are you keeping anyway?"


"Hm, can i see them sometimes then?"

"S-sure you can yamagishi.." Takemichi was cursing himself for not saying no. How was he supposed to explain the situation about having 20 cats. "Oh look at the time, well i gotta go and buy the snacks for my cats now" In a hurry takemichi turned off his computer and got his stuff before running out to the elevator and then out of the building.

He let out a huge sigh "maybe i should hide some off them or let them play outside for a little when those two come.." Takemichi thought again as he continued to go and buy the snacks for all 20 of them.

After a while he finally went back to his apartment "tadaimaa/I'm homee"


"I brought some snack for you all" Takemichi said as he lifted up his arms holding the bags of snacks. Theirs eyes shined at the angel "Takemichi/Takemichy~~~"

"Ah takemichy! Come here!" Mitsuya who was back to his kid form pulled takemichi by his shirt and led him to the kitchen "I made you some food as a thank you" Mitsuya said as he smiled at the touched takemichi

"Mitsuyaa~ arigatouu~" Takemichi patted the purple haired male as he smiled back

"I knew it that bastard" The other's thoughts as they seen and heard it all from behind, "here you all can eat these snacks first" Takemichi then gave all of them their own snacks and let them play while he enjoyed the food that was made by mitsuya

"Mitsuya you son of a b&$*# you were planning that all along" Baji said before gobbling up his snacks "hah? I don't know what your talking about baji" Replied Mitsuya

After eating takemichi washed the dishes and started cooking for them all "Takemichy breakfast was delicious" Shinichiro said from beside the blond as he smiled "Arigatou Shinichiro" Replied takemichi as he smiled at the black haired male

"Takemichy! T-thank you for the snacks you bought for us" Izana who didn't wanted Shinichiro to get all of takemichi attention quickly tucked his shirt and just like shinichiro he received a cute and warm smile from takemichi.

"Oi! What are you two doing beside takemichi huh?!" Sanzu shouted as he ruined the two moments with takemichi "ah sanzu! Get down from there!" The blond rushed to the pink haired male and carried him down

"Sanzu you son of b$/&@ ruining my moment and stealing takemichi attention!!"

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