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Takemichi was sick.

All of them were worried for the blond as they might've been the reason for it since takemichi was always tired and working so much, he always had to cook for them all and clean the whole apartment up because of them. They felt guilty

"Sorry, i can't cook for you all today.." Takemichi said in a low voice before coughing again "Takemichyy~ I'm sorryyy" Mikey who had been clinging and hugging onto Takemichi looked like he was about to cry "It-it's alright mikey, it's not your fault cough cough I'm just a bit tired"

"Takemichy you should rest now" Shinichiro said snatching mikey away "alright everyone get out"

"Thanks Shinichiro" The blond smiled weakly before closing his eye lids to try and sleep

All of them then changed to their adult form "ahh i really hope takemichy will be better soon" Said Ran "Maybe we should get him some medicine?" Kakucho suggested "And make him some soup" Senju continued "hmmm, alright mitsuya you can make the soup kakucho i'm counting on you with the medicine. Inui and kokonoi you two will be taking care of takemichi. The rest will clean this whole apartment up"

Mitsuya quickly starting cooking the soup for their sick blond, kakucho went to buy some medicine like they said, inui and kokonoi was compressing takemichi with the cold water and towel, While the other 16 cleaned everything up

It all took less than 2 hours for them to finished, now they were all in takemichi room watching the adorable blond sleep peacefully until they heard a knock coming from the door. All of them panicked and turned back to their cat form, They opened the door by climbing on top of each other— and looked around seeing two people who came in. They were wearing a suit and looked around the apartment before spotting them "Ah!? Are those the cats takemichi talked about!?"

"They know takemichi?!!"

"There's so many of em!!"

"How does takemichi take care of them all!?"

"Where's takemichi though"

The two then walked inside takemichi room where they saw him sleeping "Is he sick?" Yamagishi whispered not wanting to wake his friend up "Ah that's why he didn't came to work today" Akkun replied

The cats looked at the two people that came in and looked at their precious takemichi, kazutora and sanzu was already hissing at them.

"Well let's buy him some medicine then" Akkun suggested "oi akkun look, there's already medicine there" Yamagishi pointed

"I guess he already had some medicine then"

"Let's just visit him again tomorrow then"

"Alright, let's go then"

Both of then looked at the 20 cats "Still where did takemichi get this many cats" Akkun looked at them suspiciously "Let's hurry up those two are hissing at uss" Whined the slightly shorter male "tck you're like a child" "hah..?! I'm not!"

After they left, all of them turned back to their adult form "tched" Kazutora clicked his tongue annoyed "I don't want them to go here again!!" Mikey said "I think they were friends of takemichy" Shinichiro muttered

"I'm going back to watch takemichi" Inui said turning back "I'm going too" Kokonoi lazily agreed and followed

After hours later, It was now 6.24pm and Takemichi finally woke up again. But in the bed and surrounded by his 20 cats both in the bed and on the floor, Takemichi smiled softly and grabbed the towel on his forehead before slowly and quietly got out of bed and pour the bucket of water down the sink and put the medicine.

After that he started cooking, It was just draken that woke up at first but then he saw that takemichi wasn't in bed anymore so he woke everyone up "Oi! Where's takemichy..?!" He asked as he woke mikey up "Hah?! Takemichy is gone!?" Mikey instantly woke up as that suprised everyone as well "Do you guys smell that?" Asked Chifuyu as he was now walking towards the door "It smells good" Baji commented "doesn't it smell like takemichy cooking?" After what Smiley stated all of them got out of the room and hurried to the kitchen where they saw takemichi cooking

Inui ran to the blond and jumped on his back hugging him tightly from behind "woah!— ah! Inui!" Takemichi stumbled a little but was luckily alright senju also tucked takemichi shirt
"Ahh! Thank goodness your here takemichi!~" Mikey voice was heard as he ran to the said male "Oh sorry did i wake you guys up?" Takemichi guilty expression was shown


"O-of course you didn't!!" Shouted Mitsuya "m-mhm it was.....kisaki that woke us up!" Izana then blamed the male as he pointed towards him "HAH?! It was not—" "yeah it was kisaki" both nahoya and souya then agreed while nodding "yeah he was loud so we woke up" Said mikey while a thick red mark appeared on kisaki forehead. Draken on the other hand sweatdropped as he knew he was the one that woke everyone up

"Ahahaha, well it doesn't matter so don't blame kisaki now alright?" Takemichi smiled sheepishly as he went and patted kisaki "So don't be angry anymore alright kisaki?"

The said cat looked away and just "mhm.." he nodded slightly

"Tched!! If i knew takemichy would pat me i would've taken the blamee!!" Draken thought as he mentally screamed "The food will be ready so you can all do what you want to do first" "Okayy" It was like the all scattered to do their own things.

Baji and Kazutora fought don't know why and how when it wasn't even a minute ago, Shinichiro was playing with izana and kakucho, Mikey, Draken, and Mitsuya were discussing with each other, Ran, rindou, Kokonoi, and sanzu was talking near the window, Inui was still clinging to takemichi from behind followed by chifuyu who was hugging takemichi from the front while senju was on takemichi shoulders, Kisaki was being laughed at Hanma because his face looked like a tomato, Smiley and Angry were with Hakkai.

Knock knock

"Ehh- who's that at this time?"

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