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A pair of blue ocean eyes opened as it was met by the bright sun that shined through his small window, he yawned as he then sat up and looked around his room. All of his cats were still sleeping either on his bed or on the side of the bed he thought it looked adorable but quietly and slowly got out of bed to go to the bathroom to wash his face.

He was still a bit suprised that they could turn to an adult form, but if he had to be honest he was blushing when he saw them all definitely much more taller than their kid form and much more muscular you could say. He then realized he was spacing out when he looked down the sink was now full of water that almost got out all over the bathroom floor the blond immediately turned off the water and then looked at himself in the mirror his face was red. Takemichi shook his head repeatedly and slapped both of his cheek "idiot" He muttered to himself.

When he went out of the bathroom however all of them were waiting for him "eh- you guys are all awake" he said a bit startled seeing them all waiting infront of the bathroom door for him "Takemichy!~" Mikey jumped towards him luckily he managed to catch the reckless child—

"Mikeyy! You shouldn't jump towards me like that you know!" Takemichi scolded but mikey just ignored it and snuggled onto him. But his snuggling was cut short when a black haired male grabbed him by his shirt and separated him away from takemichi, it was Shinichiro in his adult form. "Sorry takemichi he doesn't listen" Said the taller male as he then grabbed takemichi hand and smiled at the blond. Many glares were shot at Shinichiro but he could care less and kept holding takemichi left hand "Ahahaha...stop." It was Senju who interrupted them and separated them.

"Come on let's go make breakfast takemichy" Said Mitsuya as he took the said blond away to the kitchen, Takemichi had gotten just a teeny bit used to their adult form but not if they hug and complements him he would blushed furiously and stuttered with his words.

But them on the other hand, all of them like it- love it even when their takemichi acts like that they thought it was very adorable when he stuttered and blushing.

"Takemichyy what day is it when you are not working"

"Hm? Why do you ask mikey?"

"I get bored without you around..!~" luckily the other blond was in his child form if he was in his adult form takemichi might have a nose bleed

"I won't be working tomorrow since there's an important issue about the company i work at so i'll be free tomorrow"

He somehow felt like they were all exchanging looks but he shrugged it off

Half an hour later takemichi went and left for work leaving all of his 22 cats in the apartment.  "What a perfect opportunity.." Ran said as he turned to his adult form "oh yeah where did you find out about takemichi birthday anyways kokonoi?" Inui asked the black haired male "I overheard his friends talk about takemichi birthday when we all raced to his workplace" Koko asnwered a bit lazily "and the money?" It was kazutora who asked now "What did you think i've been doing before meeting takemichy..?"

"Being a pervert and looked under girls skirt..."


"Dont you bring me into this! I did nothing like that!"

"Liar! I saw you doing it once!"

"Quit lying about me! I'm innocent!"

"Innocent my a$$"

Kisaki was infact never looked under a girls skirt when he was in his cat form but he wasn't slightest bit close to being innocent. Anyways all of them then went and buyed some supplies they needed, some of them picked and buyed the cake, some of them buyed all the party supplies, and some of them ended up daydreaming after staring at a few clothes they thought might look good for takemichi for about 10 minutes before being dragged by shinichiro, and then the last thing. Finding a gift for takemichi.

They didn't know what to buy for their mitchy, they stayed and looked around for a few more hours until they found the perfect gift for him and quickly went back home. There they hid all the supplies and the cake in the fridge Mitsuya quickly started cooking while Izana was wrapping the gift.


"Hahh...so tired..i wanna go and lay in bed.." a certain blond thought as he kept walking down the streets to his apartment, his two friends had been acting weirder than usual and the thought of his apartment being a mess frightened him but when he opened the door it was clean and the smell of delicious food was what filled his apartment instead of them shouting and yelled it was quiet "did i die..?" He even thought telling himself this was too good to be true. But to his surprise all of his lovely cats were there waiting for him "Welcome home takemichyy!~" it was mikey in his adult form who hugged him "....what did you guys do this time?" They actually felt a bit hurt at the blond reply

"This is all to good to be true...i must be dreaming..or am i dead..?"

"Takemichy!!" Mikey whined as he shaked the other blond back and forth "As suspicious as this is we didn't do anything" Shinichiro said as he scratched the back of his neck

Well takemichi didn't realize why everyone was acting strangely but he didn't mind one bit he enjoyed the peace in his apartment for once after a while, and it was also safe to say that he had a great night sleep with all of the cats sleeping comfortably as well.

It was now 6.46 in the morning all of them(except takemichi) shared a look and nodded before quietly leaving the room.

"Alright! Get to work"

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