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"it's better if doesn't remember anything........ I'm sure he wouldn't be abled to take in the lose of his boyfriend........."Tharn said and Type looked at his brother laying on hospital bed, he was staring upto the white ceiling.

"He loved him so much.......why did fate had to be so cruel to them.........why did he had to leave like that?"Type teared up and wiped away those tears.

"I don't want my brother to be heartbroken.......... I'm taking him away, just don't let him know about anything if you ever cross paths again"Type said and Tharn nodded before leaving the place with a heavy heart,in the villa where once was filled with Tine's laughs and giggles, there's two people crying for the loss they had............


Sarawat sat on the bed and smiled at his brother who gave him a glass of water. They just got back home.

"Should I unpack your bags? They are in your room"Type,his brother asked and Sarawat shook his head.

"I'm fine now,P'Type. I'll do it on my own"Sarawat said and the his brother nodded.

"Then you should go to your room and get some rest, we'll leave tomorrow"Type said and Sarawat frowned.

"But I got a few interviews to attend here? What about them?"Sarawat asked and Type sighed.

"All those are cancelled, I'll help you find a new job in France. It's not that hard, I have my friends there who can help you"Type sad and Sarawat nodded.

"My head hurts a little, I'll go and get some rest first"Sarawat stood up and Type hold him,incase if he fall down. Sarawat chuckled and removed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile.


Two boys were sitting next to eachother holding their hands.

"I want to travel around the beautiful forests and capture memories with you" - He smiled looking at his camera and intertwined his fingers with the latter's. His face wasn't clear,somewhat blurred.

"I promise, I'll be the one to take you to wherever you want to go" - Sarawat laid his head on the other's shoulder.

Sarawat opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling and gulped down.

Type was trying to wake him up a moment ago and stopped when he saw Sarawat sitting up on the bed silently.

"You're up-"

"I- I had a dream......."It was a mere whisper but Type heard it and Chuckled.

"Is it the first time you're dreaming?"

"It felt so real.......like......like I was actually in there....."Sarawat said and Type frowned at sat on the end of the bed listening to him.

"We were sitting next to eachother and talking about something,it was a forest like place........but his face wasn't clear"Sarawat said and Type gulped down and cleared his throat.

"T-that was just a dream. Why are you  thinking so much about it? Get ready fast, we have to leave in a few hours"Type said and left the room, worried.

Sarawat however got so worked up but decided to put the feel aside.

He got a bath and dressed up, he was searching for something in the bag that he brought back from hospital when he saw something that wasn't so familiar to him.......

"When did I even got this?"He asked himself and looked at the two bracelets in his hand. He's not a person who is fond of bracelets and there's no way he's gonna get one.

"I brought this for us, isn't it pretty?"

Suddenly his head heart and he dropped the bracelets and hold his head.

Once he calmed down he took it and dropped it back in the bag, not wanting to throw out something that was brought with money which isn't easy to make,he know the value of money. It doesn't matter when and where he got it.

"Wat......you ready? Taxi is here"He heard his brother downstairs and quickly picked up his bag before walking down.


2years later

He sat in front of his computer and yawned again.

"Hey baby-"

"Don't call me that,Rose. My day is already ruined"He said annoyed and the girl chuckled and dragged a chair to sit next to him.

"Whoops! My coworker is in a bad mood. Is it that you got late to work and spilled the coffee on boss and also tripped and dropped your food on the pretty lady and now is working overtime?or did you had that dream again?"She asked and he sighed.

"Put it all in a list and it'll goes on like that"He said and she chuckled.

"Well, here's the good news, our Boss has approved your request and you will have 2weeks to yourself after the weekend"She said and he looked at her not believing.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No man, I just went to submit a report and he told me to tell it,he also said you can leave now"Rose said and he sighed and leaned back on seat and turned off his computer.

"Thank God"He mumbled and smiled as he stood up to pick up his stuff and put it in the bag.

"Why are you taking this leave for? Are you planning an outing with your girlfriend?"She asked and he scoffed.

"Not really, but kinda.......I feel like there's a connection between the dream and me, I mean I have that bracelet, what if I met someone or will meet someone?"Sarawat asked and she stared at him.

"Aaaaaaah I see, you're not on the right mind. Nevermind. Do you want to hangout with me for the weekend, I'm inviting over my boyfriend"She said and Sarawat shook his head.

"Maybe next time. Do you want me to drop you at your place?"He asked to his friend and she nodded.

"I'll get my bag,real quick"she said and he walked ahead.

"Make it fast or I'm leaving without you"He said and she rolled her eyes.


He walked through the tall trees with a small smile and sighed.

He have been walking for like 2hours straight now and he's tired. He decided to find a spot and take some rest first.

He sat on the lag and stared at the pond with fresh water in the middle of forest.

He looked ahead to the forest that's waiting for him to travel in further and enjoy it's beauty.

He don't know from when he grew so fond to the forests but the dream's he continuesly had and the boy who was always with him in the dream made him feel something special. He looked at the two bracelets he decided to wear on his hand and smiled.

"Maybe we have crossed our paths sometimes but didn't known for so long.......I must be crazy to start a travel just because of a promise of me in my dream, I indeed am crazy"He chuckled to himself and shook his head.

However he was sure that the dream's made him feel happy and made him feel like it's somehow related to him. Sometimes he hear a familiar voice now and smile to himself,his brother is worried but he could care less about being called crazy.

"Baby, let's go,we have a lot more to see"He smiled and turned around to see the no one but just the trees and flowers,but the voice felt like the other was hurrying to travel further around,he's always excited to go to anywhere with the latter.

Sarawat stood up with his bag and walked again deep into the forest and the angelic voice of the unknown boy  lingered to his mind and the promises to him are 𝑼𝒏𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏.......

{I've a different end waiting for y'all but not gonna upload unless you want me to😌}

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