Anyways let's get started💃🏽🕺🏽💃🏽🕺🏽
September 24 2:20PM-2:37PM
(1)So like it was winter and there was like this baby, but I don't think it was a actual baby because it would go around and attack animals. And the town where the "baby" did its crimes, they also thought whoever were killing their animals they're definitely killed all, those missing/dead people.
(2) I don't know who I was, like I'm not sure if I was a cop, or just being a nosy person but me and someone else, they were round is all I can say.
(3) But yeah, and after that we hear something coming at us like, full speed so we turn to that direction and I didn't see anything that was, until the round man went down.
(4)Here's the thing I didn't hear anything like a gun shot but I just know there was one. So I ran from that savored tooth
Child thing, and it's accomplice I hoped in the car that wasn't to far from where we were.(5) As I got in I look in my rear-view mirror. I see this guy with a shotgun shut his door, shut while looking dead at me.
After that just booked it...and then my sister came in my room asking if I wanted Taco Bell.In other words I woke up OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH
And by the way yes the baby did eat those animals but simply attacked those people, well sometimes... but 9/10 the guy shot them dead.