Freaking Babies

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October 28th 2021

(1)I was in a library and it was like a game. A game with quest, I had to complete these quests. And it was like I could see them on the die of my "screen" yet at the same time I knew them without looking at the side. One of the quest I had to do was like twisting pipes, after I did that the bookcases started to like Form a maze.

(2)And from somewhere I don't know nowhere? This disfigured baby started to crawl about in the maze crying. My new quest was to catch the baby. It wasn't that hard to find the be honest, it was crying very loudly and was sorta slow. But catching the it now that was hard, because anytime I tried to catch it, or I did have it.

(3) It would slip out of my hands no jump out of my hands and start crying louder and harder. And any time this would happen this secret-bookcase-door, would open and this other baby would come out hanging onto that door from the inside, sooth that disfigured baby like saying shhh and stuff.

(4) That disfigured baby would stop crying for a couple of seconds then start again. The hanging door baby would go back inside, this would continue to happen. I don't think I ever completed my quest.
Oh also, I actually wrote this dream down like on paper, that's a first for me.

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