Twelve Minutes

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(1)Anyways at first we were picking up or dropping off my sister and she was talking about how she got sexually assaulted,when I kept asking what happened because I didn't hear. She started crying and like blurted out what happened.

(2)She went on saying stuff like "Don't feel sorry, you were there you didn't know." Or something like that.🤷🏽‍♀️

(3)Then there were these guys in a hoodie who workerd where he had dreads kinda like my brother. Well one of them got in the car and I consequently sat next to him, honestly just smile and nod.

(4)My mom, pulled up to the store (even though we were in the parking lot and could've walked.) and the hoodie guy opened the door for us.

(5)It's either my mom was talking or he noticed it. But on my fingers(both hands.)I have these pink spots no idea how I got them.The hoodie guy I sat next to in the car took my hand and started looking at it, his friend I'm assuming came over and started doing the same.

(6)They were saying stuff like "Is it burned?" "It looks like it's burnt." I looked at my left hand and my thumb had dried blood on it, I touched my nose and there were some little specks of blood on them.

(7)Okay fun fact I never got a bloody nose, not even in a dream. This was new so I started freaking out a bit.

(8)We went in the store but we ended up, I assume that we were at my grandmas apartment to make things easier. We=my mom, siblings, uncle, and younger cousins. Those guys weren't there not that can remember at least.

(9)Anyways I had to use the bathroom but my cousins were in there I told them to hurry up.
When I eventually went to the bathroom, I remembered that we were going to get murdered, and robbed by these people. Maybe even things.

(10)I started to panic and grabbed,my moms old phone went to contacts. I put the phone into her lap, and yelled at her to "CALL THIS NUMBER RIGHT HERE"! While pointing at the scene.

(11)It was like she didn't hear me, because she did not move. I got frustrated and went to grab my iPad from my g'mas room when I grabbed it my nose started to bleed again. I went to the bathroom and looked at my nose in the mirror, there wasn't much blood.

(12)I was so confused because when I touched my nose using my fingers there was quite a bit of old and new blood. But, that was important I ran back in my g'mas room. But it was to late the doorbell rang.

(13)I was panicking I didn't know whether to hide in the closet, or under the bed. Or not hide at all and take death face-face with me fam.

(14)There was this voice was kinda raspy old and nasty. But I didn't care I'm trying make sure me fam stays alive. But uhh everything went black and like there was this claw mark thing, on my face?

Now do you know the game 12 Minutes? This guy repeats the same day over and over again pretty much. Watch someone play it on YT.

(15)That's what happened the day repeated. I did everything as before but I remember that we would die. I was faster I grabbed the phone and called the number myself, I had to call twice because the first time no answer.

(16)I was telling everyone that they would die we have to get out we're gonna die. Out of nowhere my mom gets up and says "YOU'RE RIGHT." Now that I think about it my mom would not do that.

(17)There was a knock but this time. It was different. Now there was a storm and it struck my g'mas  place and now there was a fire, we escaped threw a window and started running. We weren't the only ones the building because more people came running out.

(18)Not a lot though enough for me to spot the hoodie guy but his friend was nowhere to be seen. It was still raining.

I woke up due to my alarm 🥰🔪

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