Lemon And Pepper

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(1) So in this dream me and my siblings were like fighting this, witch or zombie girl, and like she was floating no levitating in the air on a theater stage.

(2) I know she was like, "the main source" because she could call upon more zombies and anytime she did call more she, would lash/swish her head to the left than right like 2 or 3 times quite hard and fast.

(3) Fast enough to break ya own neck, but she'll do that and more zombies would come. Ya see me and my siblings we were one this elevator lift thing and, had like guns to kill the zombies.

(4) There were desk that had paper and books and stuff on them, we could lean back to grab them if needed I guess. I did. And I guess I dropped the book/piece of paper because I ended up, with a paper cut. My sister(S) she saw it but was to busy slaying those zombies.

(5) I gotten the paper on my toe...my big toe to be exact. I don't even know, so don't ask. It was bleeding more than I'd expect a paper cut to bleed, it was also bigger than average so-say. And I'd had one before so...yeah.

(6) I kinda "woke up" in my old house my, aunt was sleeping on the floor with my younger cousins and I was on a air mattress. I'm not sure if I actually looked at it like lifted up the covers or whateva.

(7) But, the paper cut still looked new but like less blood, and more... you could just see it more like you could tell it was a paper cut. The red line was still there though.

And that's all I can remember
I don't know what's up with my dreams, and random babies and freaking blood.

December 7th 2021

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