chapter 2

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"You know, It's gonna be 3 years since we've been friends." Heeseung said to Jay, "You're not wrong, we've been friends for almost 3 years. And 3 years is a really long time." Jay answered.

"And you've gotten flirter over the years." Jay told the elder, "I did not." Heeseung protested, "What was that last night then?" Jay asked, "What was what?" "The pickup lines!"

"I told you, I was in my 3 am thoughts! They're just random pickup lines I used." Heeseung told him, "Hyung, you sent them at 7 pm, they're not your 3 am thoughts." "From a few days ago!"

Jay sighed, "I'm gonna add Finding Heeseung hyung a lover. into my to-do list for this year, so that you'll stop flirting with me." Heeseung looked offended, "It's called being friendly, that's my personality, Mr.Jay," Heeseung told the latter.

"I know, I'm still going to find you a lover." Jay said, "But I don't want one. You're enough." Heeseung said in a pleading look, "Are you really older than me?" Jay asked, "Yes, I am." "Act like one."

"You're mean." Jay smiled and ruffled the elder's hair, "And you still love me tho." Heeseung let out a soft laugh, "of course I do, I don't care how mean you are, you're still my best friend." He hugged Jay.


"Heeseung hyung! How are you?" Jay asked, "I'm doing very well, how about you?" Heeseung replied, "I'm doing okay, I have something for you!" Jay told him, "oooh, what is it?" Heeseung got curious. "close your eyes for a second." The elder nodded and did what the younger had ask.

He heard Jay take out and a few seconds of silence, then he felt Jay put something on his neck, "Ah ah, nope, keep your eyes close." Jay told him,

After a few seconds, Jay said, "You can open your eyes now." Heeseung opened his eyes and looked down trying to find what Jay had put around his neck, "A rose quartz necklace! Shaped like a heart. I bought it for you as a gift." Jay told him,

"Oh my god, it's so pretty." Heeseung said in awe. "I bought a similar one for you." Heeseung took out a rose quartz bracelet.

Jay's gift was a silver necklace with a rose quartz pendant shaped like a heat, Heeseung's was a gold bracelet with 6 rose quartz beads.

"Oh... It's beautiful, thank you..." Jay smiled as the elder helped him put on the bracelet.

"I'd say it's a weird coincidence that we both decided to give a gift to each other and it's both a rose quartz-related thing." Heeseung said and let out a soft laugh.

"Funny coincidence, but either way it shows we both care for each other." Jay told him, "Yep, that's what matters most. It shows we both care for each other."

"You're gonna be 14 soon." Heeseung said, "Yeah,"


"I'm sorry, this got awkward." Heeseung said and laughed, "It happens a lot whenever we talk."

"Do you have anything you want to do on your birthday?" Heeseung asked, "nothing in particular." Jay answered,


"hey Jay? How are you feeling? Your mom said you had a cold." Heeseung asked, "Heeseung hyung, hi." "Hi, Jay."

"I'm okay I guess, just a cold." Jay answered, "Happy birthday, you turned 14 today." Heeseung smiled at him, "Thank you, you could have just texted me if you wanted to say happy birthday to me, you know?" Jay told him, "I just wanted to visit you and take care of you." Heeseung told him.

"Don't you usually have stuff to do? You said you were gonna be busy this week." Jay asked, "Didn't I promise that I was still going to say happy birthday to you?" "I mean, you did but you shouldn't get into trouble, just because you wanted to visit me."

"Oh shush, I'd do anything for you." Heeseung told him, "You wear that necklace every day, ever since I gave you it.." Jay said, "Of course, this is something I treasure a lot. I am not keeping it hidden." Heeseung told him, "sorry, I just didn't want to lose it."

"Don't be, I know your mindset very well. It's fine to not wear it, I'm still happy you loved it." Heeseung smiled at him.

"Thank you for understanding, Hyung." "You're welcome, anyway, I have to go now. Take care okay?" Jay nodded.


Today was a Saturday, in a few days, it was going to be 3 years of being friends for Heeseung and Jay.

"Ah, I want to confess but I don't think I can." Jay mumbled, "confess to who?" a voice asked, startling Jay, "Knock before you come in!" Jay told his cousin, "Jeez, sorry. And confess to who?"

Park Sunghoon, Jay's annoying cousin that he loves.

"A friend...Obviously my crush, idiot." Jay told him, "hey! I'm just trying to help. But I say, go for it. You only get one chance." Sunghoon told him, "If you two are friends, shouldn't you at least know who he likes tho?" He asked Jay, "That's the problem, we never really talked about love, nor our romantic interests.." Jay answered.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you'll be single forever, Jay oh my god." Sunghoon sighed, "Shut up! As if you have experience being in love."

"But I helped my friends all the time? I have experience." Sunghoon told him, "Sunghoon, you don't"

"But either way, You should confess." Sunghoon said, "I'm planning to..."

"I'm scared that he might not be my friend anymore just because I like boys..." Jay mumbled, "He's your best friend, I'm sure he will understand. Just see his reaction when you come out to him first, then confess. It's the best way."Sunghoon suggested.

"And maybe somewhere that you two can alone? For privacy, people at your school could be homophobic." Sunghoon continued, "How are you good at giving me advice at this?" Jay asked, "My friend told me when he was confessing to his crush. He said that it was a good idea to do it like that, now they're dating."

"Oh that's... a really good advice, Thank you Sunghoon." Jay hugged him, "You're welcome, don't back out the plan. Tell me if he does anything bad to you, I will make sure that he will regret making you sad."

"no violence Hoon, No violence." Jay chuckled,

"Violence is needed sometimes, especially if it's for one of your family members." Sunghoon told him, "No it's not."

"Now tell me why you're here." jay asked, "Mom said we should visit you guys since it's been a long time since we last saw you." Sunghoon answered.

"It's just 2 weeks tho?"

"As I said, mum suggested this so you can ask her yourself." Sunghoon told Jay, "Your personality doesn't change, are you gonna act like a child forever?" Jay asked, "Maybe~"

"I wish I could disown you." Jay sighed and shook his head, "No you don't, you love me."

"and good luck with confessing, I'm rooting for it." Sunghoon told Jay and gave him a thumbs-up, "Thank you, I'm sure good luck is needed."

Author noted: 
as I said, these are from my ao3 ACC so, I'ma upload to which I finished.

Unrequited Confession { Heejay }Where stories live. Discover now