chapter 11

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"Prom's tomorrow and the fact that you still have absolutely nothing to wear right now is just disappointing, Heeseung." Yeeun sighed, "Hey! I never really went to prom, not like I know what to wear."

"stop pouting, you big baby. I'll help you get ready." Yeeun sighed as she was going through someone's closet, "Weird question but why are we going through someone's closet?" Heeseung asked, "This is my brother's closet, He may be abroad right now but I am still gonna steal his clothes for purpose." Yeeun answered, "Plus, I have all the rights to go through his closet, he said I could."

Heeseung sighed and laid on the bed.

Silence filled the room, minus the sounds of Yeeun's sighing and murmuring to herself whilst finding the clothes.

"How about a dress? Do you think you can wear it?" Yeeun asked, "Um, I'm not really comfortable wearing it to prom, tho I would like to wear it someday." Heeseung answered, "Fair enough."

Yeeun continued to go through the closet, trying to find Heeseung a suit.

"You know what, I'll just call my aunt and buy a suit from here, we aren't getting anywhere." Yeeun sighed and dialed her aunt, "We should've done that since the start, what the fuck."


"Today's the day! and you look fabulous thanks to me." Yeeun said and smiled proudly as she fixed Heeseung's hair. "Thank you... I guess."

"Disrespectful, adding I guess " Yeeun sighed.

"Come on, give me a break for today! It's tiring, plus prom really isn't my thing." Heeseung said and played with his fingers, "You'll be fine, Heeseung. prom's supposed to have fun, not to worry. believe me when I say that you'll have a great time today." Yeeun told him with a smile.

Heeseung smiled back and nodded, "Thank you."

"Are you going with Hyejin?" He asked, making Yeeun stare at him in surprise. "Why do you think my life is all about Hyejin?" Yeeun sighed. "Ma'am you were literally talking to her on the phone, five minutes ago."

"I may have befriended her the other day, alright? We're not dating or whatever." Yeeun replied. "Interesting, Interesting. At least you guys are becoming friends now... I guess." Heeseung shrugged.

"No, we're not dating, you Buffon. Just friends." Yeeun sighed, "Miss, Ma'am, I didn't even say anything about dating. Calm down."

As time passed, the two arrived at prom, and Heeseung looked as nervous as ever.

"Dude, chill. You'll be fine. don't worry, let's go meet up with the others, shall we?" Yeeun asked and smiled, "Sure."

The two walked into the room, trying to find their friends.

Yeeun took her phone out in the middle of it, texting someone. "Who are you texting? and why are you texting them in the middle of walking?" Heeseung asked, "I'm texting Hyejin to ask where they are." Yeeun sighed.

"They're over there, you dodo head. Let's go." Heeseung told her and grabbed her arm, dragging her to their friends.

"You two have finally arrived, took you two long enough." Jake sighed. "Where are the couple and the other two?" Yeeun asked, "Hoon and Ni-ki went out to the garden for some reason, and Sunoo and Jungwon went out, I think they like each other." Hyejin answered.

"Let them be, We can talk on our own." Jay said and smiled. Jake looked at them and sighed, he murmured something to himself

"Hyejin, shall we?" Yeeun asked, Hyejin smiled and held her hand, "Of course, my dear." She chuckled and the two walked away.

"Wow, how fantastic. I'm gonna go find my other friends, you two can talk or whatever. See ya." Jake left the two alone.

"I have nothing to talk about- Jake! Wait, come back!" Heeseung called out, He stopped asking as he felt Jay put a hand on his shoulder. "Let him be, don't worry. We can talk about things, or just eat."

"What do you wanna talk about?" Heeseung asked, "not sure either, but hey Hyung, you look great today " jay complimented.

"Oh! Thank you, you look great tonight too! The clothing suits you." Heeseung told him. "Thank you, I rushed to get here cause Hyejin said to come early but I forgot about what she said." Jay chuckled as he told Heeseung about it.

"By the way, how has Sunghoon and Ni-ki's relationship been?" Heeseung asked, "I'm kinda curious about it."

"Well, they're quite lovey-dovey and often flirts. I'm not a professional for dating but their relationship seems really healthy. I would love to have one like them someday, it's so nice to see." Jay answered with a smile.

Sunghoon seriously deserves all the love he gets from Ni-ki, after everything we've been through, he deserves so much. He's such a great cousin and best friend, even though he can be annoying sometimes, I'm honestly grateful for his existence."

"Oh wow... That's a lot." Heeseung said. "Sunghoon is a great person, even back then, you used to talk about him a lot, I'm not really close with Sunghoon but I could tell he's amazing," Heeseung replied.

"He really is a great person..."

"I don't really wanna bring back the past.." Jay started, "but can I ask you something?"

Heeseung's eyes widened but he nodded, "Sure, go ahead."

"That rumor... I really am sorry about that...but what happened after I left school?" Jay asked.

"Well.. I did get bullied for the remaining days I stayed at school but not all the time, they just ignored me mostly... Which is better than constantly getting bullied every day. I moved schools after a month though! I made new friends and it was fun while it lasted."

"That's nice to hear... I'm glad... What's your sexual now?" "I'm bisexual."

"And, you're still gay, right?" Heeseung asked, "Yeah, still haven't found the right man though. No one really attracts me these days but eh, time will come." Jay answered.

"You're still as patient as ever. I envy your personality... Did and still do." Heeseung told him. "Oh shush, there's nothing for you to envy.." Jay chuckled and smiled at the elder.

"Do you wanna go get food? Or like, go outside?" Jay asked, "As much as I would choose the second option, I'm kinda hungry so, could we go get food first?" Heeseung suggested,

The two went to the table with food, waving to their other friends that were already there.

They all got to know each other more and had a fun time with each other.

It was honestly a great night and one of the best nights Heeseung has ever had.

Life haven't been the best but it still has the upper side for better memories.

Hello, I'm still alive and I remember about this fic- 
School's a pain in the ass, sorry for the late update sksk

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