chapter - 10

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"So, you're telling me that I have to dye my hair?" Heeseung asked, "Bitch yes? You promised me, you are not backing out in any way." Yeeun replied as she walked into the hair salon.

" Mrs. Lee! Great to see you again, I brought a friend today." Yeeun said happily, "Yeeun, welcome back. How are you?"

"I'm doing great Mrs. By the way, what hair color do you think would suit my friend?" Yeeun asked and pulling Heeseung near her.

"Hmm, It seems he would suit any color but personally I think blue or green would be a good choice." Mrs. Lee replied.

"What do you think, Heeseung? What color do you want?" Yeeun asked, "I guess green?"

Mrs. Lee grabbed his hand and sat him down on one of the seats, she smiled and said "Well then, you're gonna be here for quite a long time." "Mrs. Lee, could you dye my hair tips pink please?" Yeeun asked.

"of courses, right this way. Leah! Sweetie, come dye her hair for me."

Heeseung sat awkwardly as he had no idea about dyeing one's hair.


"Oh wow," Heeseung murmured as he looked at his hair. "Damn, that was worth every penny. You look amazing." Yeeun said as she looked at Heeseung.

"Thanks, Yeeun." Heeseung smiled as Yeeun handed him his drink, "Maybe dyeing my hair wasn't a bad idea. I look great." Heeseung said with a smile.

"I fucking told you so," Yeeun said while giggling.

"By the way, for prom, are we going together as friends?" Heeseung asked, "I'm planning to ask someone out for prom." Yeeun replied, "Oh, is it Hyejin?" Heeseung asked, making Yeeun choke on her drink.

"Bitch no, please. I'm asking myself out for prom." Yeeun answered and rolled her eyes. "Oh... I thought you had a love life for once." Heeseung sighed.

"You have no love life either and yet you're one to say."

The two continued to bicker as they sat in the cafe.

"Not to ruin the mood or anything but we should go now. I have something to do before four o'clock and it's three-thirty right now." Yeeun said, "Oh sure sure, let's go."


"so, the school's closed for this week before prom?" Heeseung's mother asked, "Yep."

"Do you have a prom date?" She asked, "Nope, I'm going alone." He answered. "What's the fun in that? Prom's more fun to go with a date, even if it's a platonic date." His mother told him.

"You know, for my first ever prom, I went with my best friend. It wasn't really the best idea since most people were homophobic back then, but she couldn't care less and, It was worth it. She was also my first love." His mother said with a smile. Heeseung listened carefully, he never really talked nor heard about his mother's love life before.

"So, your first love was a girl? I thought it was dad." Heeseung said, "Not everyone's true love was their first love, sweetie."

"Also, I've never talked about my love life to you, so I wouldn't blame you for not knowing that I used to date a girl once." His mother said.

"But she moved away and I met your father after a year or so, I guess."

"Imagine if she didn't move away tho, damn, I would have never been born." Heeseung said, "Oh shut it, You would still be born somehow." His mother replied.

"Into the unknown shall this information go," Heeseung said, making his mother laugh. "You're such a playful child, I miss taking care of you. You're turning into a well-grown man now."

Unrequited Confession { Heejay }Where stories live. Discover now