Chapter 9

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Jay sat down on a chair beside the bed Heeseung laid on, busy with his own thoughts as Yeeun talked to the nurse.

"So he'll be okay if he takes a few days' rest?" Yeeun asked, "Yeah, and if he gets enough sleep. Look at his eyebags, it seems like he hasn't slept in days." The nurse said, "I don't really wanna say this but I told him so! I'd said he would blackout or something." Jay snickered at her words while the nurse stared at her with an unbelievable look.

"what? I said the truth, miss. Not my fault." Yeeun shrugged, "Yeeun, can I go to class now? You can stay with him." Jay asked, "Nope, you're staying with me, whether you like it or not cause it is boring as hell to be alone and Heeseung can sleep through a whole apocalypse."

"I know that" Jay murmured under his breath, Yeeun confusedly stared at Jay as she didn't hear what he had said but chose to ignore it.

The elder of the two sighed and sat down beside Jay. "So, do you still hate Heeseung?" Yeeun asked, her question catching Jay off guard. "why would I?" He asked.

"Do me a favor and... Never talk to me again, Remember when you said that? That's why I asked." Yeeun answered, "I never said I hated him tho..." Jay replied.

"I know you never said that you hated him that day, I'm asking do you still think you hate him?" Yeeun asked, "Yeeun, please. Can we not talk about the past please?" Jay requested.

"Do you perhaps still like him?" Yeeun asked, "N-no... I don't." Jay answered.

Why is she even asking me this?...

"So it's not an unrequited type of love, just two idiots." Yeeun chuckled, "What do you mean?" Jay asked.

"Jongseong-ah, come on. We both know you two still haven't moved on from the past and are both still too scared to befriend each other again, Heeseung's too scared because he thinks you still hate him. While you're scared because you don't know if you can trust Heeseung or not." Yeeun answered.

"It's not the best to see you two like this, try talking about it. Believe me when I say that you can trust Heeseung." Yeeun continued, "Yeeun-" Jay's words got cut off by someone entering the nurse's office.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt your conversation but Mrs. Jung wants one of you in class. You know she's not the kindest teacher here." Jake told them. before Jay could answer Yeeun got up and said, "I'll go to class, Jay can stay."

"H-huh!? what?"

"As you like, I'll wait. Just hurry up, she didn't say which to come back, just one of you." Jake said, "That's your chance to get closer to Heeseung again, good luck." Yeeun whispered to Jay and left with Jake.

"I never agreed to babysit but okay." jay sighed.

He didn't really have anything to do since he didn't bring anything with him. "Do you wanna read a book or something? While you wait for your friend to wake up?" the nurse asked, "Or boyfriend, maybe not." She shrugged.

"He's not my boyfriend." Jay replied, glancing a look at the male. "But sure, I'd like a book or something while I wait."

The nurse went to grab a book from her bag, she came back and handed Jay a book to read. the boy with unrequited feelings the title said.

"oh fuck, can life let me breathe properly for once." The word unrequited must love him a little too much, He has seen and heard that word many times in one week.

Is the universe trying to give me a sign that I should befriend Heeseung or some shit.

"I don't really know if the book's your type but believe me, I don't really read unrequited love type of books but my friend who's a writer recommended it to me and It was amazing." The nurse told him, Yep, the universe wants me to befriend him.

Unrequited Confession { Heejay }Where stories live. Discover now