Chapter 3

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"Hey Jay, today's tough, isn't it?" Heeseung asked, "What do you mean? What happened?" The younger responded.

"I just feel so tired today, even tho I just woke up. God, why is life so frustrating!?"

"It gets harder as you grow up, that's just how life is." Jay answered, "At least I have you in my life, couldn't ask for anything better." Heeseung hugged him.

"Oh shut up, you're just being cheesy. I wonder how much you're going to flirt with your future lover." Jay shook his head, "Jay-ah, stop wanting to remove me from your life, I know you love me."

"You're delusional." Jay chuckled at his hyung, "Delusional for you love~" Heeseung replied in a singing tone. "Nah, you just like annoying me."

"Maybe it's both." Heeseung said, "I know it's both."


"Hey Jay, you said you wanted to talk to me?" Heeseung asked, "yeah but let's go somewhere private okay? I don't think I'd like to tell you this in the middle of the school hallway." Heeseung nodded.

Heeseung followed him into an empty room.

"Do you mind if I asked why we're in an empty room?" Heeseung asked, "You'll know later, I need to ask you a question first." Jay told him, "Go ahead."

"What are your opinions about LGBTQIA+ people or homosexuals?" Jay asked, "Oh that? Haha, you could've asked me in the hallway tho. But for the answer to your question, I personally think that people should be able to love whoever they want. Love is love, plus it's their lives, they should be able to love whoever they want, just like heterosexual people. I personally think they should be treated equally." Heeseung answered.

"What if I told you I was gay then..?" Jay asked, "Then that is perfectly fine as well. You should love whoever you want." Heeseung answered with a smile and held the younger's hand, "What if the person I love is you?" Jay mumbled,

Silence filled the room, Jay was too scared to look at Heeseung in the eyes, so he kept looking at the floor.

Heeseung, on the other hand, was completely shocked.

"You what?" Heeseung said in a whisper, "I've been having a crush on you for quite a while...So I wanted to confess." Jay told him.

He looked up to see that Heeseung's face was a bright red shade. The older bit his lip while staring at the younger.

"I..." Heeseung couldn't say anything, Jay likes him? It was so unexpected.

Heeseung got overwhelmed and ran out of the room, leaving back a clueless Jay in the room, all alone.

Did I say something wrong? Jay thought, or was he too embarrassed to say anything?

fuck that, I'm going home. Jay thought and walked out of the room, feeling confused and disappointed.

[ Heeseung's pov ]

[ 8:00 pm]

I didn't get any texts from Jay... Did I upset him? Of course, You probably did! fucking hell, Heeseung. I could have at least said something to him, instead of just running off like that. Heeseung thought, he was mad at himself for leaving his best friend like that after the male told him one of his biggest secrets and confessed.

Maybe... Tomorrow I can explain? It was overwhelming... I'm sure Jay will understand... right?

"Fucking hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he's mad at me... I just hope we're still going to be friends... wait no- fuck." Heeseung facepalmed at his own words.

Unrequited Confession { Heejay }Where stories live. Discover now