Chapter 8

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"Heeseung, hurry up. Let's get inside. It's starting to rain." Hyejin told him, Heeseung nodded and followed her into the house.

"You have a really pretty house." Heeseung said in awe, "Thank you but it's nothing, really. Do you want a drink while we do the project?" Hyejin asked, "Water will be fine." he answered with a soft smile.

"Do you want a lollipop?" "No thank you."

Hyejin grabbed two bottles of water and went upstairs, with Heeseung following in the back.

The two sat down and started doing their project.

In the middle of it, Hyejin's phone started vibrating.

"I think you should check that." Heeseung told him, "I was gonna ignore it but seems like I can't."

Hyejin was checking the messages while Heeseung waited, she snickered which took Heeseung's attention.

"You good?" He asked, "Yeah, Sunghoon just texted me that Jake accidentally opened a shaken coke bottle." Hyejin told him, "That sucks."

"He's okay tho."

"How did that even happen?" Heeseung asked, "He must've forgotten about it, shall we continue?"

"Hey Hyejin..?" Heeseung called out, "hm?"

"How's it like being in a fun friend group?" He asked, "It's a fun experience, you get spammed quite often. Always talking whenever they're bored, spamming one person together, pranking someone together, surprise birthdays and such." Hyejin explained.

"that's nice..."

"Yeah... you guys should join us." Hyejin said, "Oh no no... I'm sure Jay wouldn't like it." Heeseung replied nervously. "How about we ask him?" Hyejin suggested, "Um no... I am not gonna go through all that again."

"That sucks... To be honest, all of us want you in our group since you guys seem nice. No one knows about it, except me, Jay, and Yeeun." Hyejin told him.


"Um, how has Jay been?" Heeseung asked, "He's okay, as you know, he's sick today." Hyejin answered, "You know, Heeseung..."

"I know you two have moved on... but still won't interact with each other-" Hyejin said but her words got cut off by Heeseung, "Hyejin, yes I did move on but I really don't want to bother Jay anymore. Please, leave it as it is." Heeseung told him.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." Hyejin apologized. "It's okay... Hyejin, could we continue this tomorrow? I'm feeling a little weird..." Heeseung told her, "of course, you can. Do you want to rest tomorrow?"

"No no, it's not needed. I'm sure I'll be fine once I rest." Heeseung told her with a reassuring smile but Hyejin was still worried.

"Take care of yourself."


Laying down on his bed, he looked at the ceiling in his room, in the darkness. I wonder if Jay still has the bracelet I gave him...

Or maybe he threw it out after the incident?

He placed his hand on the necklace.

"Life is against me." He said and chuckled, "how fun."

He looked at the time to see it was still early. 11:08... that's early.

"Heeseung, sweetie, why are you still awake?" His mother asked from the hallway, "How'd you know I was awake?" he asked.

"Door's slightly opened, you must've gone out to get something." She replied, "How are you feeling, dear? Do you feel better?"

"Just a bit..." Heeseung answered, "Do you want to rest tomorrow?" his mother asked, "It's fine, tomorrow's a Friday after all. I can manage."

Unrequited Confession { Heejay }Where stories live. Discover now