Chpt. 1

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A/N This is an Age Gap, coming out story. It will be fluffy with smut, will have some slight angst, but it will be soft and mushy too, so if you don't mind overly sappy lovable Jinkook. Enjoy!!


Being the son of Jeon Jun-Seok, the CEO of Jeon Fashion Industries has its perks, like money, power, respect, but it also has its downfalls, and when the downfalls outweigh the perks, thats when it gets ugly. He became distant and cold after my mom died, she kept him grounded, kept him human, she reminded him what love and warmth is, but with her gone, all that is gone too. Don't get me wrong, he isn't heartless, but he has become cruel, its like he has a wall built up around his heart that he has made impenetrable.

He's old fashion in his ways of thinking, my father has a tendency to speak his mind a bit to much around us, and he has made it clear on several occasions that his sons will marry woman of high stature and give him grandchildren, or as he calls them, future heirs. Personally, I would not pick a woman to marry, but because of my fathers closed mindedness, all I have ever dated is women.

My brother has a fiancé, she is absolutely wonderful and gorgeous, he found himself a good one, my father is very proud, my little sister on the other hand my never marry, she has Autism with Asperger syndrome, my father keeps her locked in the house with her nurse and the servants, he hides her away from people because he says she will bring bad press to the family. I don't agree with the way he treats her, but when I speak up, I am immediately put in my place and reminded that I am nobody.

My brother and I are sitting in a meeting right now trying to close this deal with two famous designers that could do wonders for Jeon Fashion, once the meeting ended I went back to my office to work on the monthly figures for my father, when I heard my door open and my assistant walk in. "Mr. Jeon would it be okay if I ran across the street for a coffee, my little brother is here and says he needs to speak with me for a minute", Minji says. "I didn't know you had a little a brother", I say surprised.

"Would you like to meet him, Seokjin come here", she says turning toward the door. Seokjin, what a beautiful name, he walks in and all the air left my lungs, he wasn't real, he couldn't be real, beauty like his doesn't exist in the real world, only in movies and books and I work around models all day. "Mr. Jeon Jungkook I'd like you to meet my baby brother Kim Seokjin", she says holding his hand.

His eyes sparkle when he looks at me, I don't think my heart has ever beat this fast in my life, "Ah yes, you may go for coffee, I will wait for your return to go over tomorrow's schedule", I say. "Very good sir, thank you", she bows and pulls Seokjin's hand to leave but he doesn't. He walks over to me, "it is very nice to meet you Mr. Jeon, my sister talks very highly of you, thank you for treating her so well", he grabs my hand to shake it and thousands of little lightning bolts shoot thru my hand, he feels it too because he pulls his hand back.

His eyes speak volumes, I see so much, but I'm not sure if I am reading it right and don't want to assume, "it is very nice to meet you, Seokjin." "Jin", he says and I look at him confused. He giggles, "you can call me Jin." I realize he is still holding my hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb over my skin, giving me goosebumps. He lets go of my hand and I feel harsh coldness where his hand was, and it makes me shiver, I want his hand back in mine again. He turns again to look at me before walking out, smiling and shutting the door. I finally take a breath, glued to the spot I was standing, "fuck, I'm screwed."


"What was all that back there, are you trying to get me fired", my sister whines. "You won't get fired, gosh you are such a drama queen, I like him JiJi and he likes me", I say confidently. "Ah, the Jeon boys are straighter than arrows thanks to their father, he'd kill them for even looking at a man inappropriately", Minji says sitting with her coffee.

"He likes me Ji, there was no denying that, what's his story", I ask intrigued. "The old clique Jinnie, wealthy family, hard ass homophobic father, dead mother, Mr. Jeon wants his boys married and their wives knocked up and barefoot, Jeon Sr. is a textbook caveman, it won't turn out well Jin, so don't bother", she says.

We walk back to my sisters office and I sit with her for a few more minutes talking about dinner at her place on Sunday when Jungkook walks up with another fine ass man. "Mr. Jeon, did you go to lunch or do I need to order", JiJi asks. "No Yoongi and I went to lunch, thank you though, hello again Seokjin, this is my big brother Jeon Yoongi", Jungkook says, I reach out and shake Yoongi's hand. "It's nice to meet you", I say.

"Very nice to meet you Seokjin", he says with a hint of flirt in his voice, "I have to go Kook, I'll see you later." "Did you guys enjoy your coffee break", he asks, god he's gorgeous, the minute I saw him my heart did flips. "I brought you a cupcake", I say handing him a bag. "For me, why", he asks sweetly. "Minji said you love sweets, so I thought since you let her join me for coffee during work hours, I wanted to thank you", I say smiling my best smile and he definitely noticed.

He couldn't speak, "Um Th-thank you Jin, that was very sweet." "Minji I'm going to my 2 o'clock meeting", he says not looking away from me. "Okay Mr. Jeon", she says. He walks away and looks back at me once before disappearing around the corner, "fuck Ji he's gorgeous, how old is he anyway", I ask. "He just turned 33 in September and you will be 21 in December, he's to old for you and Jinnie, he doesn't like guys either, you are setting yourself up for heartbreak", Ji says. I roll my eyes, my sister underestimates my abilities, she will soon learn.

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