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A year later


"Minji please go sit down you are ready to burst any day now, I don't need help in the kitchen you know this, HOBI", I yell. He pops his head in the kitchen, "what's up." "Get your wife out of my kitchen and make her sit down, look at her ankles", I scold. "Baby why are you on your feet", Hoseok picks Minji up and carries her to the living room. She's so stubborn, I try to finish up the dinner before everybody gets here when I hear the baby on the monitor, "Kookah, Shiloh is awake can you grab her."

Jungkook proposed to me in that little cabin that him and Gianna set up, so I was jealous for nothing and when I broke down and confessed to Jungkook that I read his texts and assumed he still wanted Gianna he held me so tight and cried with me, reassuring me that he will never love anyone but me, then we found out 2 months later that I was pregnant. I had Shiloh on September 1st, of course Jungkook was over the moon to share his birthday with his baby girl, he spoils her rotten and she's not even 3 months old yet.

Hoseok started dating my sister shortly after the party at the Jeon mansion and were married in February of the next year, Minji then found out she was pregnant in April and could now pop at anytime. I hear a knock on the door, "HOBI CAN YOU GET THE DOOR FOR ME." "Sure", he says from the living room. "Jinnie", I hear Everly say as she walks into the kitchen, Ben right behind her, they moved into their own apartment not far from Jungkook and I and she got a job working with Ben helping other people on the spectrum, we are so proud of her, she fist bumps me and walks out, I laugh as Ben hugs me. I'm almost done with dinner when I'm suddenly pulled away from the stove and embraced in a bear hug, "Jimin you scared the shit out of me."

I turned and hugged him and then Namjoon, Tae runs in shortly after and throws himself at me, "Uncle Jinnie, is dinner almost ready, I'm hungry, where's Uncle Kookie and Shi, I want to see them." I laugh and tweak his nose, "dinner's almost ready little man, go with your dad and Appa, they will take you to Uncle Kookie and Ill bring you a snack." I lean against the counter for a second to catch my breath when my gorgeous husband walks in and takes me in his arms, "did Jimin steal Shiloh."

"He did, so I thought I'd come in and steal a second with my beautiful husband, I miss you." He kisses me, making my knees weak, "I miss you too, after everybody leaves let's put Shiloh to bed, take a hot bubble bath and then make love all night." "It's a date Yeobo", he kisses me again. "These two never stop", Mr. Jeon, Woo, Yoongi and Ava are standing by the kitchen door, Woo holding a plate of cookies in his hands. "Hey welcome, come in make yourselves comfortable, Ill take that Woo, thank you", I take the plate and hug Woo and then hug Mr. Jeon, "go see your granddaughter, she misses you." Junseok smiles and then hugs his son, grabs Woo's hand, "lets go see our grandbaby."

After the party at the mansion Woo and Junseok decided to give their love another chance and have been together ever since, I haven't seen Jungkook's dad smile so much in my life, he even laughs more and he has been the best grandpa to Shiloh. We met Woo's kids and grandkids shortly after he moved in with Junseok and they are all so amazing he has two sons and a daughter, who are all very successful doctors, when Woo's husband died they swore they would try to help people not go thru pain and loss they did. They have really taken a liking to Junseok and see him as a father figure, just like Jungkook and Yoongi see Woo as their Appa.

"Its nice having everyone here, I'm glad we have room for everyone", Jungkook says holding me tightly, "I love you so much, you have made me the happiest man alive." I smile and kiss his nose, "I knew the minute I walked into your office that you would be mine, the look in your eyes told me that you wanted me and I was going to do everything possible to make that happen."

 "I'm so glad you stuck by me, even after everything my family and I put you thru, I'd be so lost without you Seokjin, you and Shiloh are my whole world", He says resting his chin on my shoulder. "And you are ours Jungkook, when I first saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew", I place my forehead against his.

"Seokjin I ask myself everyday how did I get so damn lucky, my heart is so full of you that I cant really call it mine anymore, I'm so in love with you which is crazy, especially for me, I swear that I can hear your heartbeat from miles away, when you smile at me the heavens above open, and every time you hold me I know its exactly where I belong, thank you for this crazy love, your crazy love, I wouldn't want it any other way.

The END!!

BOO HOO, I loved writing this story and I am sad it over but that just means I can now publish a new JinKook, which I have plenty 😉 Thank you for taking this journey with me. I love you guys for you comments and your votes and your support!!! BORAHAE!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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