Chpt 13

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A/N BTW I know Koreans dont celebrate Thanksgiving, I thought about that after the fact and didn't feel like changing it, LOL so forgive me this one time 😁🥰😜


Thanksgiving day is finally here, its been almost a month since I have seen Jungkook, Minji says that he is at work being miserable but being the good son his father wants him to be, Gianna has been around more at the instance of Mr. Jeon and Minji heard that he was going to publicly announce their engagement soon.

Gianna has reached out to me a few times but I find myself ignoring her more and more because it hurts to hear her tell me that Jungkook misses me, when I know he doesn't because he doesn't call or text me much anymore. Maybe its for the best, his lie that he is going to fight for us, to fight for me was just that, lies. Now I get to see my father today after almost 7 years and I wont have anyone at my side, I wont have my support, my strength.

"You almost ready Jinnie", Minji asks knocking on my door. "Yea lets go and get this over with", I say grabbing my phone and wallet. "You look nice little brother", she says wrapping her arm around mine. "Thanks, so do you", I say smiling at her. When we arrive at the restaurant Taehyung runs to me and jumps into my arms, "Uncle Jinnie you are here, I missed you." I have been spending a lot more time with Taehyung since I am not working right now, Jimin will drop him off by Minji's before he goes to work and we will spend the day together. "I missed you too buddy", I carried him back to the table where I see Jimin, my parents and a guy who I assume to be Jimin's boyfriend.

Jimin stands and takes Taehyung from my arms and then hugs me, "Jinnie this is Namjoon, my boyfriend, Joon this is my baby brother Seokjin." He stands and shakes my hand, "Its nice to meet you finally I have heard so much about you from Jimin and Taehyung and they just adore you." I blush, "its nice to meet you too, Taehyung cant stop talking about you either." Next thing I know my mom was there with her arms around me tightly and I held her just as tight, crying my eyes out, I missed my mother the most, when she let me go she wiped my tears and told me how much she loved me. I turned to my father who didn't even stand, I bowed, "hello father."

"Seokjin, you look amazing, I'm glad you came, I thought you would have someone with you", he says. I give him a faint smile and sit down, Minji sitting across from me, I look at the empty chair at the end of the table next to me the look back at my sister confused, "are we expecting one more." "I am so sorry I am late", I hear his voice and when I look Jungkook is walking in, he bends down and kisses my cheek and squeezes my shoulder, then walks toward my mother handing her flowers, "traffic is ridiculous today, it's so nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Kim, Mr. Kim.

 He shakes my dads hand, "I'm Jeon Jungkook, Seokjin's boyfriend." "Holy shit, you own Jeon Fashions, I love your stuff", Jimin says, "Ji you didn't tell me Jin's boyfriend was famous." Minji laughed, "sit down Jimin, breathe." I was still speechless, why is he here, he called himself my boyfriend, does he mean that. He finally looks at me, sitting down next to me and grabbing my face and kissing me, he whispers in my ear, "fuck I miss you so much Yeobo." That's when I broke, "excuse me." I got up and ran to the bathroom, leaning on the sink and trying to catch my breath, letting the tears fall. 

I feel his arms wrap around me, placing his lips on my ear, "don't cry baby, please don't cry, you are way to beautiful to cry." "Why are you here, what if we are seen", I sniffle. "I don't care anymore Yeobo, I'm here with you and I'm never letting you leave me", he says turning me around and attacking my mouth. He guides me into a stall and lifts me into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist, he attacks my mouth again, shoving his tongue in and tasting me like he's starving. "I fucking love you Seokjin, please say you still love me, that you didn't stop", he pleads, grinding his cock into mine. 

I moan and throw my head back, "Jungkook, I could never stop loving you, you are my everything, I missed you so much." We kissed a few minutes longer then have to stop until our arousal wasn't noticeable. He grabbed my hand and walked with me back to the table, leaning over and whispering, "you got this gorgeous." "You okay Jinnie", Minji asks. "Yea, sorry I was just overwhelmed by everything, I miss you all so much and I'm happy that we could do this but I guess I just need to know where I stand with you", I say looking at my father. All eyes were on him, he looked around nervously at all of us then started laughing", no pressure, right." 

His smile was as bright as I remember when I was a kid but then he got serious, "Seokjin no words will ever be able to describe how truly sorry I am for the way I acted, for the way I treated you, and for my small mindedness, we lost 7 years because I am an idiot and I would understand if you never ever forgive me." He is crying, he is actually crying and it's breaking my heart, Jungkook is holding my hand and rubbing my knuckles keeping me calm. "Dad, you are the only dad I have and even though I am angry, upset, heartbroken because of you, I still love you and if you give me time and we take baby steps I will forgive you one day", he stands and walks over to me, wrapping me in his arms.

 "I am so so sorry Seokjin, I am the biggest idiot", he cries into my hair as he holds me to him. I sit back down and everybody goes back to chatting, "you okay." I look at Jungkook, "I am now, because you're here." I rest my forehead against his and hold his cheek, he holds my waist and kisses my nose. "I miss your smell, your taste, I miss pushing the hair off your forehead and I miss those eyes, fuck Seokjin those eyes, they hold all my hopes and dreams within them", he sighs closing his eyes, "I'm finally home."

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