Chpt. 2

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I walk back to my condo, a smile on my face, I have found the man of my dreams and he will be mine, straight my ass, he's so far in the closet it's going to take some work to get him out. I came out when I was 15, and that same day, my parents kicked me out of the house, and I haven't spoken to them in 6 years. I lived on the streets for almost a year until a woman I helped one night from being mugged took me to her home and fed me, then she pretty much told me that I was staying with her from then on. Myeong didn't have any family, she was a retired attorney and said that she had no one to take care of, that she wanted to help me, help me to get back on my feet and better myself, which I did.

I finished high school at 17, then went straight into nursing school, I just graduated with a degree to be a home care nurse. Unfortunately, Myeong didn't get to see me graduate. She passed away last year of breast cancer, but I am glad I was there with her thru it all because she literally had no family. She ended up leaving me everything which wasn't a lot, her house was a rental and she didn't have a car, but what money she had, she left me, I loved her like she was my own mom and I miss her everyday.

My sister contacted me about 3 years ago once she found out where I was. A friend of hers saw me at my high school graduation and contacted her. She found me a couple of days later, she never agreed with my parents' decision and as soon as she turned 18 she moved out. Now her and I are really close and she doesn't know it yet but her boss is going to be her future brother in law.


I sat at my desk and looked at the little bag. He brought me a cupcake, that is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I always keep a cold demeanor around people and I don't know why, maybe because I don't want anyone getting too close to me, but Seokjin broke thru that and settled himself right into my thoughts. 

I pull the cupcake out and inserted into the top was a little heart and written on it was a note, from Seokjin that said "Call or text me sometime" and had his number on it, I couldn't help but smile. "Oh god, what is that thing on your face", my fiancé says, walking into my office. I look at her smugly, "what are you doing here."

"I have a date and wanted to stop to ask if you can stay at your dads tonight, I want to bring him back to the condo", she says checking her lipstick in a mirror. "Why, does he still live with his parents and can't take you there", I smirk. "Funny, yes or no", she says annoyed. "That's fine, I was going to go over there anyway and see Everly, so the place is all yours", I tell her. "You are the greatest fiancé ever", she kisses my cheek, "hey who is the cupcake from." 

I smile again and shrug. "Look at you, I have never seen you so smitten, who is he", Gianna asks. "My assistant's brother, I met him this morning and he is something else", I say with butterflies in my stomach. "Oh my god have you finally met someone that will make you stand up to daddy, god I hope so, I love you to death but I sure as hell don't want to marry you", she says sitting back down.

Coming out to my homophobic father didn't even cross my mind, I could never, he would take everything from me, my position at the company, my sister, and he may snap like he did last time. "You know I can't do that, no matter how much I like him, we could never be together", I say sadly.

"Jungkook you are not 15 anymore, you are a grown ass man , he is older now and you are still afraid of him, I don't understand you sometimes, don't you deserve happiness too", she says shaking her head. "If this guy is capable of putting that smile on your face with only meeting him once, you'd be a fool to let him get away", she says adamantly. She gets up and walks to the door, "you need to stand up to him, or your life will be miserable."


I need to find a job and quick, I have rent and bills to pay, luckily Myeong's money paid for all my schooling, which made her happy that I wouldn't be in debt forever, gosh I miss her, we had the best talks and she taught me to cook so I won't starve. I lost my position a few days ago, the elderly man I was caring for moved into assisted living, he is such a nice man, I hate seeing him suffer but to know he is being well taken care of now makes it not so sad. I hear my phone vibrate on the counter, when I look at the screen I don't recognize the number, so I open the text and read it, I nearly drop my phone. It's Jungkook...

JK - Hi Jin, it's Jungkook, I wanted to thank you for the delicious cupcake and for giving me your number, that was very cute

Jin - I'm happy you enjoyed it and even happier that you used it and didn't throw it away.

JK - I won't lie I was hesitant at first but I finally gave in

Jin - I'm glad you are so weak Mr. Jeon, now I know my powers of persuasion will work on you (evil laugh😈)

JK - LOL, they just might, I'm a sucker for a pretty face. Can I call you, I am getting ready to drive and I want to keep talking but don't want to text.

Jin - Of course you can, I have to keep my man safe.

It took a second to call, I was giggling because I could picture him sitting in his car freaking out over my text. He finally did call, and we ended up talking for almost two hours, we couldn't stop laughing, and I was even singing to him.

I didnt want to hang up, I miss him already and I actually feel lonely, I met this man just a few short hours ago and I am head over heels for him, something tells me I could be setting myself to have my heart broken, but I don't care, he is worth the risk.

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