Chpt. 15

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"You look gorgeous love", Jin says fixing my tie. I hold his face bringing his forehead to mine, "I want you to come with me so bad, I need you there with me." "Kookah, I will be with you the whole night, right here", he places his hand on my heart. I pull him to me and kiss him hard, "I love you so much. We walk downstairs and see Gianna sitting with Everly, "Oh Seokjin." She ran to me and almost knocks me down trying to hug me. 

"I have missed you, I know you were avoiding me for a reason and I dont blame you but I hope you wont avoid me anymore", she says hugging me tighter. "I wont and I am sorry I did that but every thing reminded me of Jungkook and it was hard to be around you", I say. She kisses my forehead, "hopefully all wrongs will be righted tonight."

We arrived at my fathers mansion where he has gone all out, colorful lights and music playing, paparazzi and news trucks, and every single person he knows, famous or not. We walk into the foyer and Everly is mesmerized by everything going on around us, people talking and dancing, walking past us saying congratulations, we look at each other confused. "What are those", Gianna asks pointing to a table covered in presents. I shrug and walk around looking for Yoongi or my father, "Susan, have you soon Yoongi or my dad." "I dont think Yoongi has arrived yet, your father is upstairs with his lawyer", she says pointing upstairs. "Ill be right back, can you stay with Ev", Gianna nods and I head upstairs to my fathers office. 

After I knock, I hear him tell me to come in, "Ah Jungkook, just the person I need to see, come over here son have seat, want a cigar." I shake my head, "what's going on downstairs." "I want you too look at this, read it over and sign it" , he hands me a folder with a document in it and when I start to read I cant help but to smile. I read over the document three times to make sure what I was reading was correct, when I was positive I picked up the pen and signed the document which my father had his lawyer draw up. I left his office and when I got downstairs not only was Yoongi there but so was Hoseok and my Uncle, I hugged them both and thanked them for coming. 

"You didn't bring that cute little assistant of yours did you by any chance", Hobi asks. I laugh, "no, but if you like her I can introduce you properly." He nods excitedly then turns toward his dad saying something to him, I see Everly over by the table stuffing shrimp in her mouth and I cant help but to laugh. "EXCUSE ME EVERYBODY, TURN OFF THE MUSIC PLEASE", my father bellows from the staircase. Once it was quiet and everyone was gathered around, cameras from the paparazzi flashing, my father spoke, "Thank you all for coming here to help me celebrate a joyous occasion." I looked around confused and then it finally hit me, I went pale and was about to walk out, "Lets raise our glasses to Jungkook and Gianna on their engagement." 

Cheers erupted in the room until a loud scream could be heard over it and that's when it got eerily quiet, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, JUNGKOOK IS NOT MARRYING GIANNA, HE DOESNT LOVE HER, HE LOVES SEOKJIN AND HE IS MARRYING SEOKJIN." I've never heard Everly yell like this before in my life, she is now standing in the middle of the room glaring at my father, I walk toward her, "tell him everything Ev." 

"Father", she says walking toward him, "Jungkook loves Seokjin and they are happy, he is the best thing to ever happen to me and Jungkook and we aren't letting him go, Gianna and Jungkook do not love each other, they never have." She turns to look at the reporters and paparazzi, "this engagement was an act they put on for him." She points harshly at my father, "pay no attention to her she is sick and needs 24 hour care, SUSAN take her away this instant." Susan smiles and walks away toward the kitchen leaving my father standing there with his mouth wide open, "She is telling the truth dad, I love Seokjin and he loves me, Jin and I will be married and Yoongi and I will be soul owners of our Mother's company." 

"You signed the contract, its null and void if you dont marry Gianna", he argues. "I think you better read the agreement again father, it says I need to marry and produce an heir but you failed to add Gianna's name, so that pretty much means I can marry whom ever I choose", I say smugly. My Father whipped his head toward his lawyer, "what's the meaning of this." He holds his hands up in defense, "you paid me a lot to write up that contract but he paid me a lot more to keep her name out of it." My father followed his gaze of who he was pointing at, my uncle waved up to him with a huge smile on his face. 

"You, what do you have to do with this", he bellows. "You forget that we share the same lawyer and when he told me what you were doing I paid him a little extra to change the wording, when are you going to stop being a big bully to your sons and let them be happy, will you always act this way because Ji-woo broke your heart", Uncle asks walking up the stairs toward my father. "Shut up, no one knows about that", my father says gritting his teeth. "We all do dad, you have made us suffer for our choices because you were dumped in college", I say angrily. 

When I turn Yoongi isn't there, I was hoping he would back me up but then I see another man walking toward us, looking at my father with longing in his eyes. "JUN", he yells. I see my father turn toward the man and his face go pale, "Ji-woo, what, why." "He contacted me a few months ago and wanted to reconnect with you, he wanted to explain what happened back then but you always had an excuse not to see me, so I couldn't tell you that he was back, so I invited him here tonight hoping you would make time for him", Uncle says. I see tears in my fathers eyes as he looks at Ji-woo, is that love I see in them, I haven't seen that in my fathers eyes since my mother died.

The front door flew open and Yoongi stood there, Seokjin standing next to him, I ran to him and picked him up in my arms and held him to me, "why are you with Yoongi." "I asked him to go pick Jin up, I felt he should be the one by your side tonight, not me", Gianna says kissing my forehead, then Jin's, "stay happy both of you, Jin you make him complete, I hope you know that, I haven't seen him like this ever and it looks so good on him." I hugged her again and whispered, "thank you for everything." She moved thru the crowd as the paparazzi moved toward asking a bunch of questions about Jin, I turned to Yoongi, "its ours brother, the company is ours." We hugged and then we were all told to go to out fathers office, that he needed to speak with us. 

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