23 Battle for the Century

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Tye went to his room without another word. He left Ruder to his thoughts, and honestly he'd left him she'll shocked. Ruder felt defeated. His own little brother. . a killer? Mates to an assassin? Keeping the werewolf world safe.. He felt pride about that. Strangely. His parents, though they looked scared and shocked, seemed as of they would be happy. Pleased with Tye.

" Don't worry... I won't harm him. I'll fight with everything I have to not kill his mate. " He assured. They gave nods, and for the first time in months, disappeared.  He blinked to see if he was insane. They really left him alone. Ruder slept peacefully for the first time in months.


Tye yawned as he opened the door. Just after closing it he was bombarded with a silent, but we'll lot room. He opened his eyes to see why they were so quiet. " What's going on? Someone die?" He mused.

" No, but you look like you almost did! What the hell?!" Mika yelled slightly. " You are covered in blood Tye. What did you do?"

" It isn't mine. Don't worry. I tried to kill Haze, but he ended up accidentally calling Ruder. That or Ruder realized I broke whatever control Haze had over him when I stabbed him near his cold heart, missed, and twisted the knife just to make it painful anyway. " He smiled with a shrug. " I'm pissed Mika. He took everything except my mate and life. And, he wants those as well. "

" Understandable. " Merella said softly. " Merfolk are not known for being the nicest. I'll rip his to shreds, and make him fish food.  "

" Merella! Easy there tiger. " Esmeralda kind of laughed. " Tye go get changed, and take a quick shower. You'll feel better. More yourself. "

" I am myself Esme. Just a different self. This is business Tye. " He smiled. " But I do need to shower, and get some new clothes. I was told we had a visitor?"

" Right here. Just watching. " Linzie said leaning against the wall with Rainbow. " Good to see you again. "

" Linzie! On my god I was so worried I killed you!" Tye broke down. His personal cracked, and he was back. " Please forgive me. Axton... Oh god I bet he wants me dead. "

She shook her head. " Nothing of the sort. They are just worried. We all changed a bit, and they are worried we won't be ourselves again. Like they knew. "

" That is stupid. We haven't changed much. We just don't act like this normally. " Esmeralda sighed a bit. " Ricardo isn't going to be happy with me.."

" Ricardo just wants to think your a huge soft little thing. But, I'm sure he'll accept that you just aren't " Linzie assured. " At any rate, you don't have time to be worried. I'll fill you in on details after Tye gets cleaned up.  "

He nodded, and headed off to the bathroom in a hurry. He felt relief at the fact that he didn't in fact kill his possibly best friend. He connected with Linzie differently. They found their mates together, talked constantly. He missed her. Thinking he had killed her broke him.

He stood under the hot water of the shower, letting the clear stream turn blood red until it was clean again. The steamy water relaxed his aching muscles. Tears of frustration mixed together with the water as he let them out. Tye was tired. So tired of having to be strong. He needed to be weak. He needed Jason to hold him, and protect him.

He scrubbed his face clean, and his hair before scrubbing his skin until it turned pink. It hurt. But, at least the nasty blood was off of him. Tye sat down, and let the water beat down on him. Words simply couldn't describe the longing in his heart. What surprised him, was that he felt reassurance resonate within him shortly after. His eyes snapped open in surprise. Jason was so close. He felt him. Reassuring him that they would be together soon.

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