21 An Ally, A Girl, and Her Horse

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The sound of a horse's whiney echoing through Linzie's mind. She shot straight up, much to her dismay, and moved Axton's arms from her waist. She winced, and sucked in a deep breath. She held her neck for a moment where the most pain radiated from.

" I didn't leave a mark, a scar, or take yours away Little One. " Hendricks whispered softly. " Just needed to bring you back. That was a very foolish thing to do Linzie. Lynx is blaming himself. " He held his hand out suddenly In front of her.

She didn't even jump at his presence. Is it bad to say she was getting used to it now? " Sorry? I mean.. " she sighed. " I didn't mean to worry anyone. But.. I may have poked around more than I intended to. I saw some extra things when Lynx went back. I thought his link would stay open... So I stayed while he went back. " She took his hand, and he pulled her into his arms like one would a child.

" You owe him an explanation Missy. " He said softly as he exited the room.

" Yes.. I know... " She smiled softly. " Just like a father. "

He scoffed. " I pretty much am. Aren't I?" He asked glancing over at her.

Linzie's smile fell. " Mine is dead. " She answered bitterly.

" Farven adopted Mika's mother. Why couldn't I technically take in one like yourself? " He asked.

She looked over to him, and to her surprise Hendricks was serious. " Hendy? Are you seriously considering making me family?" She asked holding him for support. Her body ached still, even though he was doing the waking for her.

" Better late than never?" He asked softly. " You are all becoming close to me. In my old age I suppose I've realized what I've been missing. What I was foolish to deny myself. Always told myself a vampire is no father. No lover. No one to have these luxuries. " He sighed. " How stupid I was. You were always so close to me. Just a state away. A few minuets walk, and without parents used at such a young tender age. I could have changed that. "

Linzie felt like her heart wanted to break. He sounded to broken. So hurt. Mad at himself over something in the past. " Don't do that to yourself. I wouldn't be the woman I am if i was raised differently. " She said with a smile. " Hendricks.. you are right. It is better late than never. " She chuckled.

He winced as they came downstairs into the light. Her neck was very bruised. " Okay.. I bruised the hell out of you..." He muttered. " Wait... Are you agreeing to... What I said?"

" I would love if you took me in as a daughter. But, I mean only if you want. It would be nice. Axton would probably like it as well. I know he won't admit it, but he misses his own parents. He's missed them for a long time. He didn't have the best upbringing either. " She frowned.

Hendricks was beside himself. " You really don't know what your agreeing to Linzie. " He warned with a chuckle. He was sitting on another vast fortune of his own. One he would use to help rebuild. Axton and Linzie's pack. He'd already reinforced Farven and his pack. Hendrick was still surprised his coven agreed to pack up with the wolves. They all seemed to get along very well. It was a relief in more than one way. He guessed they'd always seen him fawning over Farven from afar.

Granted he thought he was alone when he did so.

He wasn't.

" What do you mean by that?" She asked sceptically.

" You'll see in time. " He chuckled sitting her down for a moment. " We'll make it official later on. For now let's out it aside, and get you something to eat. You need your strength after me feeding from you. Then we'll go meet Ahiga. I heard him whisper to you. " He smiled as he hustled around the tiny kitchen.

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