17 You Can't Drown an Omega

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Linzie understood the secret in his message. His eyes gave away his emotions. Good thing he was only looking at her. Ruder would have known.

She opened her eyes after Impact, but visibility was terrible in the Tennessee River. It did her no good. Her body ached. The pain and cold hit her full force, and she wanted to open her mouth to scream. She knew she couldn't. That would mean death. Gem urged her to love before her body locked up completely.

She tried to pick a direction. During her fall she had gotten confused. She couldn't tell which way was up.

Or down.

After another moment she forced herself to move. She chose randomly, and tried to swim forward. The reached out above her head desperately hoping that she would break the surface.

However, she chose wrong.

She felt something seem to swish by her hand, and stopped immediately. If she wasn't careful she could end up caught in undertow, and sweet even further down. This river wasn't known for being forgiving under it's somewhat calm surface. It had snatched divers, grabbed humans, and snagged animals alike. It wasn't biased. It would sweep her away, and the fact of the matter is she didn't have the breath for that. The current started to grow stronger, and she struggled to turn the exact opposite of the way she was facing. She had to start swimming now! This was her only chance before the current caught her.

She'd screamed on the way down, and that had limited how much air she could hold. Her lungs were already burning, and she felt like she had a long while to swim before she broke the surface.

She was wrong again.

Linzie ended up breaking the surface much quicker than she thought. Though, her lungs were glad she had. She gasped for air as soon as she came up, and struggled to stay above the surface. There had to be a storm coming. The water was getting choppy.

"Get out if the water now! It's getting to rough. " Gem barked in her mind.

"I'm trying... But it hurts. So much. I can barely stay above the surface..."

" Don't you dare give up now Linzie. You are stronger than this. I'm holding the pain back as much as possible. "

" Goddess if your holding the pain back I'm screwed. " She whined. Linzie closed her eyes, and saw her friends. All of them were counting on her. They needed her. The boys needed to know what happened. She had to do this.

She had this.

She opened her eyes again, gritted her teeth, and grabbed into some passing driftwood for a moment. She grunted as she pulled herself over it for at least a moments rest. For a while she let it carry her downstream. Gem didn't complain.

"Not to far away. Get to the bank. Before we get hypothermia. "

"Okay. We got this. I got this. " She took a few deep breaths before sliding back into the freezing water. She slowly made her way towards the bank. It wasn't easy. The currents were getting rougher, and the sun was beginning to get ready to set. It was about to get a while lot colder.

She managed to drag herself out of the freezing water. Linzie collapsed immediately after though. She found it hard to move. What sun remained felt good against her skin, but the wind did not. She crawled for a moment, over into higher grass, and shifted. Her fur would keep her warmer as long as she didn't get it to wet. So this would have to do. Linzie stayed there for a while. Maybe an hour? She couldn't tell.

Right now her mind was only on surviving.

She huffed, and forced her little legs to stand. She was sore all over even with Gem holding back her pain. She limped her way to the road, and started getting her bearings. After a moment she knew the general direction on Farven's pack, and she started heading that way.

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