19 People Watching

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They had arrived bed in Death Valley, and got the girls situated. Tye wouldn't leave them, and trying to be true to his word at least for Tye, Ruder allowed him to sleep in the same room as them.

One thing annoyed him about it though. They were all very close. He hated Tye being so close to people. People hurt you. People betrayed you.

People left you.

He shook his head, and slammed his hand against his desk. He'd been working a lot lately. The voices in his head were getting louder. Stronger. They were almost unbearable. He growled softly. Ruder knew he was taking to much power from the Necromancers, but he needed more if he was going to be able to defend the Valley.

He hadn't wanted to kill everyone. His parents. His beta. His friends. The people who looked up to him for protection. But, this was the only way! If he killed them.. then he could...

" It was worth it damn it! Now shut up! I don't need you telling me it wasn't worth it! I can bring you back! I just need some more power. Some more necromancers need to sacrifice themselves. It's easy! " He yelled at the ghost of his Mother who was lingering around him. His Father showed up. " Tye will get over it in time Father! He'll realize only I can be his! Only i can protect him! Only I would sacrifice so much to love him! Dead or alive. "

Someone knocked on his door. " What?!"

The door opened, and his new undead Beta tossed a rouge inside. Along with a boot? It was small. Was it a child's boot? " Found him skulking around the Valley. Mumbling about boots, beating, and someone named the Seer?"

" Good work. Get out. " Ruder said watching the once very bulky man. He was scrawny, and weak looking now. Not to mention dirty and scared. " What took you so long to get back to me? Hmm?"

The man scooted back boot in his arms and all. He scooted until he hit the wall. " I.. I've had a h-hard journey. " He whispered.

"What was that? I'm not equipped to listen to a mumbler!" He snarled.

" T-the one named Linzie! The omega seer! S-she.. beat me. With a boot." He looked at it like the boot was life itself.  "  Broke bones, and made it incredibly difficult to walk. It took us forever, and its been a harsh winter. A lot of us didn't make it. "

" How pathetic. You were one of the strongest I had. To think... I let you live. " Ruder scoffed.

" Umm.. She also gave me a message for you. . " The rouge said. He knew this might not end well for him. At all, but at this point he no longer cared. Ruder took everything from him in the beginning. He killed everyone he knew. Made him go through hellish training. Made him lead his followers. He hated the man anyway. Right now he was more than happy to finally deliver the message. Linzie was the only one who'd probably say it to him.

" And what was it?" Ruder asked impatiently.

" She said to take that boot. " He narrowed his eyes at the disgusting man finding courage suddenly, " And shove it up your ass. With all of her hate, The Seer. " The little man finished. " And I agree with her. Go to hell Ruder. " He spat.

" Oh ho? You still have some fight in you? Maybe I shouldn't kill you. " Ruder said thoughtfully. Is anger was building behind his eyes. The littler man could see it.

" I'll just try to kill you myself if you don't. " He chuckled.

" So you know what it means to be killed by me? I take your soul. I add it to my collection. I'll use you as my own personal weapon. " Ruder mused.

" I think I can take my chances. The strongest willed ones are always hard on you yeah? We've all heard it. The screams at night. Begging them to stop talking so you can sleep. Telling them you'll bring them back in time. How pathetic are you Ruder? How much more can you take before you break?"

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