14 Sucker Punches & Wild Roses

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"You stupid, Pea-brained, hybrid, waste of space, mother fucker! " He seethed. The man hit, and kicked, and slammed his fist into his victim over and over. " You had one job! One fucking job! Bring me back a high ranking Luna! That's it! You couldn't even bring me the Omega! Instead you let that rainbow haired bitch get killed so you could talk to that little blonde boy you want to fuck so badly you can't stand it! Just to ask about the Luna who got you killed to begin with! "

Darius recoiled in defeat. He hung his head as he got yelled at, and beat repeatedly. " Yes sir. I did. I did. " Was all he would say.

" Good God. Why did I bother sending you? I could have had Moonwater, and almost every alpha in the States while their guard was down. Instead they are all in high alert, and ready to kill intruders without a chance to speak. And I come to find out they've been taking rouges in! Sheltering them from us so we can't use them!" The boy scoffed. " I'll kill them all. " He growled before letting out what could only be described as a looney laugh.

It sent chills up his undead spine. He had always been afraid of this particular Alpha, and his hate for pretty much anything. He had one exception. His delta. Yet at the loss of his earlier this year the guy had sunk as far as he could.

Even further than he himself had when he realized he would never have Mika.

" I found some interesting information. " He spoke up. Darius hoped to save his own skin. Even if just a little.

" What?!" He snapped.

" I found your delta. " He whispered. " The omega ran him back to their mannor while Jason and Axton dealt with me and ' Rainbow'. " He said just as soft. Darius' throat hurt. His fangs were missing currently. They'd need a few days to grow back after being ripped out. His left eye was swollen shut, and one arm was broken. It laid by his side in unnatural angles.

He was lucky this was as far as his boss got. The man had once been his friend. Not that Darius could consider him one. Not now. Not after this. He'd seen to much. He slaughtered his entire pack one by one, and his poor parents. Not even he would have killed his parents.

This man slaughtered everyone.

If a man is what you'd call him now.

No one except a handful of people knew what really happened. He'd kept them close enough together to keep them alive. Tortured them endlessly for hours, and hours. Took their eyes out himself. He carved them like they were nothing. Just meat. Disemboweled them for good measure, and left them to rot in the California sun. It was terrible.

Ruder was more than insane.

He was evil.

He wondered if he'd always been this way? How had Darius not seen it. Or even picked up on it before it was to late? Yes, he was pretty much evil too, but Ruder went far beyond what he'd ever do.

" Tye? He was there? " He asked suddenly very interested in the boy. " How nice to know. I mean I'm still pissed that you couldn't catch them.. But this is good news. How was he?"

" Almost unconscious by my hand until the other came. " He answered.

" How?" His voice was calm, and cold. He saw Darius physically flinch away. " Darius. My old friend. How was he almost unconscious?"

" I..was choking him. It was the easiest way I could think of. If I would have bit him, which was tempting, you would have killed me. If I would have hit him you probably would have hit me. " Darius answered.

" And me beating you because you lost him is better?" He asked. " Did you bruise him?"

" Yes. "

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