13 Pain and Sweetness

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The ride home had been awkward. Linzie was staring out of the window at first. She didn't know how to approach Axton. She couldn't really get a good read on him. One minuet he was nice the next he was an ass. Sometimes he was sweet. It was a mystery. A huge mystery.

After about an hour of debating on what to do she was unbuckled, and pulled straight into his side. Though it didn't seem to be what he wanted. So he rolled the divided window of the car up. She watched him, and glanced up to see what he was doing. She hadn't yet spoke when he pulled her into his lap, and laid his head on her shoulder.

" Linzie? "

" Yes Axton?"

" Are you happy with me? Do I really treat you like I should treat an omega mate? "

" Well.. Honestly for a while you didn't. But, you slowly opened up. And started to treat me more and more like a mate. Omega doesn't have anything to do with it. " She answered.

" But it does Linz. It has a lot to do with it. I could hurt you a lot easier than I could someone else. I could be to forceful. Say the wrong thing, and get mad. Lose it without Wolfe to slam me into a wall, and make me beat myself. " He sighed.

" Is that what the dent in the wall is? You have to stop that Axton. Talk to me. Take a run. Anything, but don't beat yourself up. "

He looked over at her. His eyes intense, filled with admiration, and want. She got chills on her arms. He could feel them. He did that to her.
Axton smiled. " Do I really effect you so much?"

She blushed, and tried to shimmy off of his lap.

" Oh no, no, no. You aren't getting away. " He growled softly next to her ear. It caused her to gasp, and whine softly. " Awe.. Angel that's as adorable. I think I like hearing you whine after a small growl like this.." He growled softly yet again, and she whined softly as she tilted her neck a little.


He was slightly surprised by her. She seemed to give herself to him completely. It was amazing. It left him wanting her so much more. Simply teasing her wouldn't sate him for long.

" A-Axton..."

" Yes angel?"

" You. . You sound like your purring?"

He chuckled. " No Linz. I'm attracted. I want you. It's a rumble in my chest. " He answered giving her neck the softest kiss. " But, I'm scared I'll hurt you Angel. "

She blushed, and glanced at him with a soft smile. " I'm a lot more resilient than you think Axton. I promise. I can let you know if you hurt me. Or if I feel like it's to fast. "

" Will you then? Or would you let me do whatever, and hurt you? Because you don't want to disappoint me?" He asked.

She looked down for a moment. " If you ask me I won't lie to you. " She whispered. " I don't lie. "

" I thought you didn't want to rely on Omega things?" He asked.

" If it's the only way for me to be truthful about you accidentally hurting me, then I'll do it. " She said full of determination. She looked over at him, and turned in his lap so that she was straddling him. Linzie leaned in, and kissed him gently. Then passionately as he took over.

Axton stopped their kiss, and looked her up and down for a moment. " Linzie. I'll only warn you once. Once this begins I'm not stopping. Even if it takes days. I'll mark you, and mate you. If I have to make love to you in every possible room I can find, if I have to wear your mind out completely so you don't focus on the pain... It will happen. " He warned seriously.

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