10 The Luna's Birthday's

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Linzie was running with Tye around the upper floors of the mansion.

Once again, Jayce had turned it into a dressing room. Their room was open for baths or showers before the ball. The main hall was full of folding screens for Lunas, women, and children to get dressed. Snacks were set out for the wait since most girls had been here since morning.


Linzie was freaking the hell out. Mika's mother brought her ball gown up soon after the guys left.

So far no one beside Minny had seen Linzie or Mika's dresses. Not to mention a special little tux for Tye.
She'd made that one just because. She wanted to see Jason really be stunned speechless. He would be. The three would be. She chuckled as she cooed the twins. " Oh hush Linzie. It for you. No one else is going to fit in that dress birthday girl. Same goes for you Mika. "

Mika blushed. " This is so over the top Momma. You should create a clothing line...." She said breathless as she looked over her own dress. It was the opposite of most dresses on the racks. Same for Linzie's. The lilac material of Linzie's dress sparkled against the long silver skirt it rested against. It would hug her curves well, but give enough for her to dance easily in. Linzie would look stunning. The fabric wasn't overly shiny either. It was a soft silk kind of fiber, but Mika wasn't exactly an expert in materials. So she couldn't really say.

Mika's dress was a deep ruby red. It would sharply contrast against her skin. It was the same style as Linzie's, and would hug her curves. Both of them would look so beautiful.

" I could never afford this. It's so much. To much. So pretty. " Linzie freaked out mentally.

Tye giggled. " Calm down or else you'll end up passing out. She made it for you. "

" It's a birthday present. " Minny said happily. " From Axton, and myself. No payment required. We're more than set here in Moonwater. Besides I love making things. As long as you love it, and as long as he does, I'm happy. Oh speaking of them loving it. Tye I made you a special tux as well ~ " she winked before pointing at it.

He shook his head a little and smiled. " You guys spoil people to much. That looks amazing. I've never worn something like it before. "

Mika giggled. " We're going to look great tonight. Esme! Merella! Come on! Let's start getting prepped!" She waved playfully running over to them.

Minny grabbed the diaper bag, and took the twins. " On that note, I'm leaving. You guys have fun tonight!" She called happily. " I'll send Farven up to help work with hair later on!"

Mika nodded to her mother before placing soft kisses on each of the twins heads. " I'll miss you. Take care, and let me know if there is trouble."

"Will do. Tye sweetie, take Linzie running. Run around the floor if you have to. She looks like she's about to get the jitters. "

Tye gave a salute, and took her hand. " You heard her. Let's run. " He smiled, and Linzie sighed. She glanced up at him with a soft smile after a moment, and they took off.

Meanwhile Mika was scrubbed from head to toe in her bathroom, Esmeralda and Merella both helped her get dried, and pampered her a little while they brushed and dried her hair. Which was easier than ever since Merella could literally take the water right off of someone.

Once Mika was dressed, she sound around. " Oh.... This is so pretty. She really out did herself. But what if I break my ankle..."

" You won't girly. Now be still, and make much on some fruit while we kidnap Linzie. It's her turn. Surely she's run her energy out by now. " Esmeralda said as she handed a platter of fruit over to Mika.

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