Colliding Stars

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CW: Death (Feel free to skip the *** for the more descriptive part and read the summary)

Day 1 Cloytober: Stars


Sirens. In the dead of the night in a forest in Switzerland, the urgent sounds of sirens were clearly out of place against the wise owls' hoots and the light chirping of the insects. Moments later, a battered car emerged, and the officers, sworn to civilian safety, swiftly got out of the car to inspect the situation.

"10-42 at path 22. I'm approaching the scene." A man spoke into his walkie talkie before tucking it back into his belt.

The static noises of the walkie talkie shattered the dreary slither of the dark night as the man walked up to the car. The sirens faded into the background and the man forcibly opened the door which practically detached itself from the mainframe of the car.

*** Skip***

Blood. Where the glass shattered in the car were trails of blood and cuts. The heavy toxic fumes from the battered car engine would make anyone's eyes water – as if the gory sight in the car didn't already cause one to choke from their tears.

***It's safe***

Summary: Description of the scene. Shattered window and blood

No pulse. That was the conclusion the officer came to minutes later as he shook his head sadly at the scene.

A couple and their baby. Three lives lost...He too was a father.

Snow fell, drifting softly like feathers, flurried yet slow as though time had stilled to grief over the unfortunate turn of events. Even in the face of death, the couple's hands were intertwined, their golden bands glinting brightly with their devotion to each other.

Till death do us apart. There was something incredibly gut-wrenching and ominous about that promise now that their time on earth has come to an end.

But alas, death was and always would be present in every human's time on earth. Some deaths were simply more saddening than others, but that doesn't change the fact that life was incredibly short.

In the trees, a man, clad in black from top to toe observed the scene with his usual air of indifference. The black bowler hat pointed towards his identity as the Grim reaper, and the man took another glance at the card in his hands.

He was waiting, waiting for the time when he would have to deliver another soul to Death's doorstep

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He was waiting, waiting for the time when he would have to deliver another soul to Death's doorstep.

When it comes to his job, every millisecond could potentially wrinkle the delicate fabric of life and death. So, he waited, watching as the officer placed his fingers against the child's neck before he stood back with his head bowed.

The Grim reaper moved into action then, weaving his way past the thick police tapes barricading the dead from the living. It was curious that he was only claiming one soul that night, but years in the job has taught him not to question the heavens.

In the backseat of the car, the little girl trying to reach for her parents stared back at him when she realised she wasn't alone. Her eyes sparkled like a million diamonds; a beautiful child born out of loving parents.

"Ri Haneul." The Grim reaper droned smoothly. "October 1, 2021. I now pronounce you...dead."

The child babbled at him when he said that, and the man tucked the card back in his pocket before lifting her out of the car. The baby in his arms was tiny, unsurprising considering she was barely one. Taking another glance at her parents, the Grim reaper tenderly brushed the baby's cheek, soothing the little one the only way he knew how to.

One couldn't blame a child for not understanding the concept of death.

"Let's go, Haneul. Your parents will be fine. It'll be too cruel to let you linger on earth without them now, would it?"

More incoherent babbling followed but there was little resistance from the child as the Grim reaper led her away from the scene. Before he disappeared into the forest with Haneul, the man in the bowler hat looked up at the starry night again.

That night, amidst heaven's eyes so sweet, was the twinkling pearls of the black curtain of darkness. The stars danced innocently and carefreely despite being witnesses to an unfortunate tragedy. Right before the Grim reaper left, two stars collided with each other, exploding into a burst of starlight, hidden to the human eyes.

The little firework of clashing lights was the spark of life that would soon be delivered to the heavens. Because when two stars collided, the universe shifted along with it. Speaking of which, there were two big questions in the universe.

One, what happens to our souls when we die?

Two, do angels exist?

Unfortunately, no one truly has the answer to that. To know such an answer meant that you died.

Yet, it was a special night indeed.

Right as the stars collided, past the golden gates of heaven, an angel was born out of light.

Right as the stars collided, deep in the fiery pits of hell, a devil was born out of flames.

"How dreamy. He's a handsome one."

"Gorgeous. This little one has personality."

Angels and devils alike cooed over the precious beauties, for when the stars collide, an angel and a devil were born.

It didn't matter who they were in their past lives. They could be a soldier, a son sworn to protect his country, or even the head of a multi-billion company, a daughter sworn to fight for herself.

In heaven – or in hell for that matter – they were all equals, sworn to serve as morality guardians.

One born out of light, and one born out of fire. What was going to become of our guardian angel and devil?

Only time would tell.

Tonight, they rest.


...they fight.



Hello lovelies! Thanks for reading Fundamentally Good! To be honest, I've been on the fence about this fic for a while now because it's not exactly a conventional plot. This is me giving it a go in the interest of supporting Cloytober 2.0! Always thankful to this fandom for all the love and support:) Cheers and see y'all tmr!

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