Breathe Again

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Day 11 Cloytober: Breathe


In this world, there were a few kinds of tired. There was the kind of tired that could be washed away with one good night's rest – the physical exhaustion. There was a kind of tired that could only be washed away when the heart was at peace – the emotional weariness.

But there was also a kind of tired where one felt exhausted beyond their limits yet, felt too anxious to rest. Such dichotomy was a result of heavy bones and a heavy heart. It comes because your heart craves rest, but your mind denies rest, such that even if you slept, you're restless.

That was Ri Jeong Hyeok that morning when he met Yoon Seri for work. From miles away, the devil could already sense the difference in her angel partner, considering how he was slouched against the oak tree when she arrived.

"Did you not sleep the whole night?" Seri commented curiously when she realised his eyes were closed.

It wasn't possible for angels to get eyebags, but somehow, Ri Jeong Hyeok looked downright haggard when he finally opened his eyes.

Coffee. Coffee would be good. Or perhaps he simply needed Seri to talk more.

After all, Seri was a rather interesting devil and naturally, her presence was a source of immense comfort to him. His physical exhaustion could be solved with a good night's rest, but he couldn't say the same for emotional exhaustion.

Perhaps he simply needed Seri.

"Ya, Ri Jeong Hyeok! Are you there?" Seri waved her hands dramatically in front of the angel's face.

She was worried. It shocked her greatly that the angel's quiet despondence could worry her this much but there was no denying that she was concerned.

He was fine when she left him yesterday. What the hell happened last night for him to be reduced to this puddle of misery?

Her exaggerated waving seemed to do the trick as Ri Jeong Hyeok's eyes became focused on hers again. Shaking his head to wake himself, the angel apologised for zoning out on the devil seconds later.

Biting her lips contemplatively, Seri left Ri Jeong Hyeok at the oak tree and made a beeline for one of the coffee shops. It was against the rule to do this but...

To hell with the rules. Devils never follow the rules anyway.

While the staff wasn't watching, Seri made two cups of coffee, adding one extra shot of caffeine in one of them, knowing that Ri Jeong Hyeok could use it. The devil emerged moments later and handed one of the cups to the angel.

"You bought coffee?" Ri Jeong Hyeok gazed up at her with tired eyes.

"Mmm, sure. I paid for it. Let's go. Dae Reul's going to the police station today." Seri tilted her head towards the child who was already well on her way to her father's workplace.

It was 'bring your child to work' day and their lucky little munchkin got to see her father in action at the police precinct that day.

Left with no other option, Ri Jeong Hyeok followed Seri, trying his best not to drag his feet or stumble as he took a sip of the coffee. It helped slightly, but he still wasn't feeling a hundred percent. Still, he kept up with Seri's quick strides. The familiar clicking of her million-dollar heels was sure and firm, helping the poor angel stay alert as they crossed the road with Dae Reul.

Instinctively, Ri Jeong Hyeok switched to Seri's right side, keeping her safe from the cars patiently waiting for the pedestrians to cross. He knew full well that the cars could never hurt them, but he still wanted to keep her safe. 

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