Good Riddance!

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Day 5 Cloytober: Quote


"Do all devils aim to make life miserable for every human?" Devil Yoon quoted her angel partner, muttering angrily to herself as she slammed the door to her bedroom.

"Tears? Anger? Broken relationships? Who does he take me for? Satan?" Devil Yoon practically threw her Christian Louboutin black Kate pumps against her black marble wall.

One couldn't blame the devil for reacting the way she did. After all, she felt incredibly misunderstood given she has just met her angel partner.

Wasn't he too quick to judge her? Her job most certainly wasn't to ruin relationships and cause undue distress to her human.

"Do you even have a heart?  Maybe I should ask you that instead!"

Now, Devil Yoon has quite a temper. Her naturally feisty and fiery spirit was hell to whoever dared to cross her. Normally, her anger was short-lived. One explosion of her volcanic temper and she would be back to her usual, coy self, seeking joy in designer shoes and handbags.

This time it was different.

And it was even more frustrating that every single time she thought about those cursed dimples of his, she couldn't help but swoon. The fact that she was swooning over someone she was mad with only made the whole situation more ridiculous and infuriating to her.

He was so gorgeous that it made her so mad.

Pacing angrily in front of her bed, her feet were quite literally burning holes into the luxurious black carpet that made up her floor. Beyond anger, there was just a tiny tinge of hurt over what the angel accused her of.

It's normal for an angel to paint a devil in a bad light. Those do-gooders have been tensed around devils since the first fallen angel. But devils weren't fallen angels, and it was unfair to overgeneralize their bad deeds to them. After all, they were all chosen to be part of this new afterlife – to guide humans during their lifetime.

And maybe...just maybe...she wished that the first angel she could genuinely click with had more faith in her.

"Nothing about this is fun for me. This job is difficult as it is." Devil Yoon's anger dissipated as quickly as it came, only to be replaced by unspoken sadness as her black wings drooped behind her.

Fun was sliding down to the fiery pits of hell with a mattress. Fun was flying in and out of a fire-lit hoop in a devil's game. Fun was slipping designs into those luxury clothing companies just so that she could get the suits that she desired.

There were many things that were fun to Devil Yoon, but tormenting a child was certainly not in her book of fun. And the sooner that angel understands that the better.

As for her?

She has never felt as lonely as she did now, alone in hell with nobody to lean on.

Would she be able to forgive him?


The next day

It was disconcerting, to say the least.

Before Devil Yoon could arrive, Angel Ri was already a bundle of nerves. He was swallowing way more than usual, forcing himself to breathe deeper than usual, and his heart was aching more than usual too. It was odd how a devil could make him feel the way that he was feeling now, more so when they have literally just met yesterday.

What was even more alarming to him was when she did arrive.

While Devil Yoon had practically chatted his ear off the previous day, the same couldn't be said for their second day on the job. Dressed in black from top to toe, Devil Yoon's classy black-dress suit, black stockings, and those Christian Louboutin black Kate pumps reminded Angel Ri of someone in mourning.

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