Lurking Death

318 41 66

Day 25 Cloytober: Anger


For weeks, Yoon Seri and Ri Jeong Hyeok lived in complete bliss. They basked in the softness of their every day, cherishing all the small joys in life now that their hearts and souls were full. Although not all the memories were good, they couldn't help but turn their faces towards the happier days, for neither of them had the capacity to mourn over the what-ifs.

They simply chose to live in the moment, with each other and with their human.

But that morning, when they both landed by their oak tree, they sensed something amiss in the air.

Life for the humans still carried on as usual, but it was different for them. Even though the sun was beaming brightly through the clouds, the air held a tinge of dreariness and darkness to the devils and angels.


Death was lingering near them.

Worried, Ri Jeong Hyeok and Yoon Seri moved closer to each other, as they instinctively searched for any signs of death. If death was near, a Grim reaper was too, and it was easy to spot them if they looked hard enough.

Unfortunately, they didn't manage to spot the Grim reaper. With the dreary atmosphere hanging over their heads, Ri Jeong Hyeok and Yoon Seri could only follow Dae Reul quietly as the child hummed lightly on her way to school.

That heaviness didn't subside as they moved away from the town and that didn't bode well with either of them. It was as though death was moving with them and the thought of Dae Reul in danger caused their hearts to constrict painfully in their chest.

Could it be?

Dae Reul was still young. How cruel could the heavens be if they decided to take another child from their lives?

Sensing Seri's unrest, Ri Jeong Hyeok reached over to hold her hand, brushing a thumb gently over the back of her hand.

"Breathe, Seri. It's going to be alright." He whispered soothingly.

Yet, they were still worried for their human.

Past the bend towards the kindergarten, Seri and Jeong Hyeok felt that odd tingle at the back of their neck when they walked past the trees. They were on high alert instantly as they looked around, attempting to spot the Grim reaper who must have been hiding in the trees.

Someone was watching them, and Seri shivered when the gaze seemed to intensify, for it felt as though that being was burning holes into the back of their heads.

Their wings drooped slightly, and they couldn't help but quiver with every passing second that death lurked around them. Despite that, the fighter within them refused to back down, for neither of them wished to witness another child's death.

"Four o'clock." Ri Jeong Hyeok whispered when he heard the unmistakable rustling coming from one of the trees.

Nodding slowly, Seri tried her best to subtly glance over at the tree, confirming for herself that the Grim reaper was indeed there watching them.

Wordlessly, the couple flew off together, leaving Dae Reul momentarily to deal with the menace.

In the trees, the Grim reaper frowned when the devil and angel left the child. Peering over the leaves, he had been so focused on finding them again in the skies that he didn't notice how the couple had already landed neatly behind him.

"Now where did they go? What if something happens to her?" The Grim reaper muttered to himself.

Behind him, Seri's eyes were already zeroed in on the Grim reaper as she narrowed her eyes at him. The black bowler hat confirmed his identity and although it wasn't wise to meddle with life and death, there were no rules stating that they couldn't.

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