Safe Haven

359 42 35

Day 27 Cloytober: Soft


Late into the night, an exhausted mother laid spent on the hospital bed as a loud, angry cry of a newborn broke through the languid air. Around them, soft murmurs of congratulations sounded – or perhaps they were only soft to Seri's ears, for she was more focused on the wriggling child in their arms.

She was absolutely spent, and though exhaustion threatened to take over, she kept her eyes trained eagerly on her husband and their little bundle of joy.

She watched as Ri Jeong Hyeok carefully cut their daughter's umbilical cord with the help of the nurses. She watched as a few tears fell from her husband's face as the cries of their agitated child softened once she was comfortable in her father's arms. But most importantly, she watched how doting and gentle Ri Jeong Hyeok was as he swayed their daughter gently while carrying her over to the bed.

Soft. Everything about the scene before her was soft and somehow, that pain that she had to go through to give life to their child was worth it.

That night marked a new beginning for the Ri family.

The opportunity to hold their daughter for the first time couldn't have come any sooner to the waiting mother.

Laying a feather-light kiss on their daughter's forehead, Ri Jeong Hyeok laid their newborn gently in Seri's trembling arms. That rush of tears streaming down Seri's face was one that was evident on his as well, for nothing could be as tender as this moment in the afterbirth of their beautiful daughter.

They have waited nine long months to embrace their daughter for the first time and nothing about this moment was a letdown to the new parents. Instead, they cherished this moment of pure gratitude and happiness – one of the many more moments to come.

"Annyeong, Haneul-ah. It's eomma." Seri whispered emotionally, making no move to wipe her tears away as she cradled their little one.

The first-time mother was startled by how soft their little one felt in her arms. From her tiny fingers – ten in total – to the tiny upturn of her nose scrunched up in sleep, everything about their baby girl exuded a softness that was unlike any other.

Yoon Seri would never say that she was a natural with children, but holding their baby for the first time? There was an innate instinct within her to protect Haneul with her life.

After all, she was their precious gift from the heavens, a pure soul waiting for her time to grow and shine. It was why they named her Haneul, for the name meant heaven in every sense.

Next to her, Ri Jeong Hyeok brushed Seri's sweaty hair gently, gazing down fondly at his beautiful girls.

For a moment, the man was overcome by tenderness for his wife and for all she had to go through for their little Haneul.

With all his heart, he loves them so and he was determined to protect them with every cell in his body.

"Thank you, Haneul eomma, thank you so much for bringing our baby into this world." Ri Jeong Hyeok ran his thumb gently along Seri's cheeks.

Through a tearful smile, Seri gazed up at her husband, "I'm grateful to you, Haneul appa. Thank you for being here."

Thank you for giving up so much for our family.

"Thank you for loving us." Seri continued.

"I love you." Ri Jeong Hyeok uttered in a choked whisper. "Both of you."

Smiling softly at her husband, Seri whispered too, not daring to break the precious quietness of their little moment. "We love you too."

For the rest of the night, Ri Jeong Hyeok and Yoon Seri continued to hold their baby girl. When she cried, they cried too and when she slept, they smiled. Both recognised heaven's gift to them and how it was now their responsibility to fill her with so much love that she would grow beautifully under their care.

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