Call 05

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Chan waited for the boy to call again in the following days after the last call happened. He was curious about what happened to the boy from the other line after that last night. Chan was a bit worried for the boy because of what he heard that night; it seemed like the boy had some problem with his father, and he honestly felt a bit bad for talking badly to the weird boy, so he waited for the boy to call again. However, a month had already passed, but the boy never called.

It was Sunday afternoon, and Chan and Changbin were in Chan's room working on a song they accidentally made out of boredom one day in school while waiting for their professor to arrive. Changbin was seated in a small booth in the corner of Chan's room, wearing a headset in front of a mic. "Ready, Bin?" Chan said.

Changbin whispered into the mic, indicating that he was already good.

"Okay, ready," Chan started playing the track as it began recording as well. Changbin started rapping while Chan quietly listened to him. When Changbin's rap ended, Chan stopped recording too. They listened to it before Chan spoke, "Let's try it again, Changbin. The fan was heard in the record," Chan said as they both laughed. Chan stood up and turned the fan off before continuing their business.

It took them eight hours to decide to stop recording since it was already 9 PM, and they were both tired too. Recording a single track is exhausting; the times they needed to repeat a single line took an hour to be actually done. Recording is not easy, especially because they don't have complete materials, and the place is not soundproof too. There was even a record where Lucas and Hannah's argument got recorded.

"Let's just continue recording next weekend," Chan said so Changbin nodded.

Changbin and Chan went downstairs; they both went out and walked a bit far from the house and hid in an alley to have a quick smoking session like what they usually do after school or during lunch.

"I forgot my lighter," Changbin whispered.

Chan chuckled at the younger and offered Changbin his already lit cigarette. "Sir, you should always be ready for a battle. You left your weapon," he said. Changbin giggled and lit his cigarette stick using Chan's cigarette and started smoking as well.

"Don't worry I'm ready for another type of war; my weapon is in my wallet." Both guys giggled at the silly statement.

"I have it too," Chan shared. The younger boy chuckled then teased his friend, "please, you're a virgin dude," he said while laughing.

"That's why I need to be ready, man. Any time a cute dude might approach me," Changbin continued laughing at the older while shaking his head in disbelief.

"That's the reason why you're a virgin. You approach them, bro. You can't just wait for the food to be cooked by itself; you have to cook it yourself."

"I'm rich, Bin. I have a chef to cook for me," they laughed again after Chan's silly remarks.

"Dismiss your chef; they cook slow," Changbin responded between his laughs.

The guys continued talking about random men's stuff while smoking, and when they realised the time, they decided to go home. Chan, of course, tried his best not to make any sound because his parents were probably already asleep, and the fact that he kinda smells like cigarettes needs to be hidden from his parents.

Chan carefully walked up to his room and quickly undid his shirt, then changed his shorts. He did his night routine before throwing himself into his bed to relax. He was tired; recording is physically draining even when he is just sitting.

Chan breathed out and slowly closed his eyes in hopes of falling asleep quickly, but even before he entered the dreamland, a loud noise coming from the old telephone filled his room.

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