Call 06

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Another week passed and Felix didn't call Chan again. Felix was obviously scared of what Chan had told him so Chan couldn't stop himself from overthinking. The fact that the mysterious boy might get in serious danger anytime makes Chan more worried. The boy is literally living during the battle between North and South Korea for the territory and aside from that, he's also a son of a South Korean country server.

It's already been 3 days since the landing of North Korean soldiers in Taebaek and the boy is still not calling. Chan's been waiting for the mysterious boy to call him like now, he's waiting for the telephone to ring. It's already 10 PM and Chan was seated in his computer chair in front of the old telephone waiting for it to ring in hopes of talking to Felix again.

There were few civilians that died during the encounter, Chan couldn't stop thinking about the possibility. He's not even sure if the mysterious boy is safe. He's not sure of what exactly happened to the attack or if they reached Seoul or not. He wants to know the mystery behind the boy from 1968 and ending it like this will not let Chan sleep at night thinking that the boy might die or be wounded.

Chan is sitting quietly, his eyes' attention is on his wall clock—ticking continuously pointing to the numbers indicating the current time. He's hopeful that the boy will call tonight.

The silence in his room is killing him. The ticking of his clock was the only sound he could hear. Chan sighed, "ring, please ring." He muttered. Chan desperately wants to know if the boy is alive.

He closed his eyes in surrender—the boy might not call tonight. He sighed once again and stood up from sitting on his computer chair then started to walk to his bed.

He's about to reach the bed when the sound he's been waiting for rang. Chan immediately walked back to the telephone and answered the call quickly.

"Felix! Are you alright?" The very first words came from Chan's mouth. He was sick worried for the boy but the line was silent.

"Hello? Felix are you there?" Chan said again but the boy remained silent until light sobs were heard. Chan got taken aback, what happened?

"Felix?" Chan smoothly called out again.

"[W-who are you? How can you predict things? A-are you one of them?]" The boy was crying and Chan got worried even more.

"What happened? Is your father okay?"

"[My c-cousin is critical. He led the way to Taebaek, h-he's critical...]" The boy said, almost like a whisper. Chan went silent, he didn't know what to do to make the other boy stop from crying.

"I'm sorry," Chan whispered.

There was a moment of silence, no one dared to utter a single word. Chan just quietly listened to the other boy's sobs and cries until the boy finally managed to talk, "[Are you one of them Mr Bang?]" He asked.

"No," Chan simply responded.

"[Then how? How d-did you know everything? How?]"

"Because it's in history, Felix. You are from the past and I am from the present. I know it's hard to believe me right now bu–"

"[What will happen? W-what will happen the following days? How will this war end? How will my family be safe? T-there's a shoot out in the border again, how will this stop? Tell me, what do we need to do? Is Minho hyung gonna be okay? Tell me.]" And now Chan was the one silent. He doesn't know. That's something he can't tell the boy, that's something the internet can't give him; something that he doesn't know the answer to—the exact thing about how history went.

So with a sad voice, Chan responded, "I don't know," he really doesn't know and even if he tries to search it, the names of people died that time and those who survived will remain a mystery. Chan can only provide little information from what he had searched.

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