Call 12

386 23 13

December 1968
Seoul, South Korea

"Felix, your ride to Hwang's is already waiting," Mr. Yang informed the young man who's currently checking himself in the mirror while trying to flash a good smile for later once he meets Yeji, but he just couldn't do it. He can't smile without looking like a clown at the moment because he's feeling really down right now. There's a heavy feeling inside him that's dragging his mood completely, and considering his slightly swollen eyes makes him look more unpresentable.

"O-oh yes, I'll be out in 2 minutes. Thank you, Mr. Yang," Felix answered, so the older man excused himself.

Felix gazed at his mirror once again, observing himself, until a tear unexpectedly slipped from his left eye, which he quickly wiped away. "I'm so sorry," he mumbled to himself.

He felt sorry for Chan for not telling him anything – the truth – because he was so scared to lose Chan. And he didn't call the older last night too considering that he was a crying mess and he didn't want Chan to be worried, but he felt horrible about it. He felt bad for keeping things from him for the sake of his selfish desire for the older man.

Aside from that, he also felt bad for leaving Jisung behind yesterday. Plus, he's worried for his friend, and he doesn't really know if his father did something or if he let things slide again. He's so scared for Jisung. And on top of everything, he's scared of Minho. Although the older disappeared right after their conversation, that worries him even more. He wants to keep an eye on his cousin, but he's nowhere to be found. He's just wishing that the latter had already gone back to his duties on the borderline.

A sigh left in the freckled boy's mouth, he looked at his reflection in the mirror for the last time before stepping out of his room to meet with Mr. Yang, who was already waiting for him to come out.

The moment Felix stepped out of their home, he was already greeted by his father. "Abeoji," Felix greeted, followed by a bow, which the older man just simply nodded in response.

"Make sure to treat the lady like a gentleman. I'm sure I raised you to be one," the general said, which made Felix nod.

"Yes, abeoji," he responded.

Felix felt his father tap him on the shoulder; "act the best you could, Felix; I don't want you causing any trouble this time," General Lee remarked, prompting Felix to nod.

"Hop in," the older said, motioning Felix to enter the car. But even before Felix could enter, a loud screaming could be heard from the entrance of their home until Mr. Han arrived with the other Lees' workers to stop him.

Felix and the general both glanced at the man, perplexed. "I believe I previously made it clear that I don't want to see you on my property, Mr. Han," the general said, which angered the man further.

"Where is my son!? Where did you take Jisung?" With that, Felix instantly stared at his father, who was just standing with a blank expression on his face.

"Why are you looking for me just to know where he was? Wasn't he your son? I don't know where he is," the general answered plainly.

Mr. Han glared at the general in anger but then still kneeled down. "Please, you will never see us ever again, but please bring my son back, general, I beg you," Mr. Han said. Felix can sense that the older man is angry, but he just couldn't do anything but kneel in front of the general.

Seeing the commotion, Felix got worried for his friend. He thought his father wouldn't hurt him. So he ran to face his father again with stern eyes. "You said you wouldn't hurt him, abeoji," Felix said, but his father only pushed him on the side slowly to gesture to Mr. Yang to get Felix in the car.

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