Chapter Six

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Everyone settled into their seats on the Benatar's flight deck. Steve watched the earth grow smaller through the window. Cassie awkwardly was sat in between Thor and Rhodey, she still hadn't made a conversation with anyone besides Natasha. But that was because she was with Steve. She was still the shy awkward girl who found it hard to make friends from the '40s. 

"Trust me. You get used to it." Carol said, flipping some switches.

Rocket looked around from the pilot's chair. "Okay, who here hasn't been to space?" He watched as Natasha, Cassie, Steve and Rhodey half raise their hands in the air. "Oh, you're gonna hate this." 

Cassie sighed, she was getting slightly nervous about this. She wasn't one to get nervous about new things. But flying into space was not on her bucket list. She looked over at Steve while Nebula spoke "Approaching jump in three, two..." 

She could see his finger gripping the seat tighter and tighter with her trained eyes. Her eyes slightly widened "I swear to god, Steven. You better not get sick. Because there's no toilet to get sick here."

She could see Steve slightly jump, not expecting her to talk to him through their minds. His head turned to look over his shoulder at the redhead, who gave him a warning look. But before he could do anything the Benatar wraps, leaping into space. The Benatar arrived above an ominous, orange planet. As the ship maintains its orbit, Carol flew toward the planet.

"I'll head down for recon. If I'm not back in fifteen, you'll know I found him." Carol informed everyone. Everyone waited on the flight deck, tense. 

Natasha looked at Steve, who's staring at his compass, Peggy's yellowed photo still rested inside. Cassie looked at the photo sadly, she missed her sister so much. Peggy spent so long of her life without Cassie, and Cassie hated herself for that. 

"This is going to work, Steve," Natasha assured the blond,

"I know it will. Because I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't." Steve looked over his shoulder to see Cassie who was looking at him. She smiled softly at him, she always made sure everyone was happy before she was.

Soon, Carol flew up to the ship and said over the coms "No satellites, no ships, no armies.No ground defences of any kind. It's just him."

"That's enough," Nebula replied while The Avengers exchange a look.


Carol and Rhodey go through the roof while everyone follows Thor by the door. Thor had Stormbreaker in his hand. While Rhodey and Carol hold down Thanos, Thor swings Strom breaker and chopped Thanos's handoff. It landed by Rockets feet.

He picks it up and his face goes slack. He turns the glove toward the others. The Infinity Stones were gone, "Where are they?" Steve demanded,

Thanos doesn't answer while Carol Pressed him to his knees "Answer the question!" Carol Spat. Cassie realised when she was on the ship that she'd need to control her anger. As much as she wanted to kill his- and have no remorse. She was afraid her anger would get out of hand and potentially blow up the whole planet.

"The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation." Thanos finally answered Steve's question.

"You murdered trillions." Bruce scoffed.

"You should be grateful." Cassie rolled her eyes at Thanos' reply.

"Where are the stones?" Cassie had enough of not talking she walked towards his and her words were like venom.

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