Chapter Eight

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"I am no longer The Phantom Fox, I'm Elizebeth 'Cassie' Carter. And you're part of my efforts to make amends." The Enligh redhead resited the sentence that she had been repeating for over two months. She held a half-arsed grin on her face before she sighed and turned on her heels, she walked away from the raven hair woman who stood by the kitchen while she held a butcher carving knife.

Cassie walked towards the door that was still locked and made her way down the hall and into the busy street of Washington D.C. She had her hands tucked into her hoodie pocket and kept her head down while she made her way back to the inky black Jaguar sports car. 

"How'd it go?" Natasha questioned while she pressed down on the accelerator and the car roared before speeding down the road at least twenty miles over the speed limit.

"Horrible," Cassie grumbled, she hated this. She thought that her therapy sessions would be easy. But by God was she wrong. 

"Why what happened?" The Russian looked over at the ginger who blankly looked out the window.

Cassie sighed before she said, "Let's just say I broke every bloody rule she gave me." She leaned her head back to rest on the headrest "Not the last one of course, but I broke all the rest of them."

Natasha raised a brow at the woman sitting beside her, she wasn't surprised Cassie did. Even though she knew the ginger sitting beside her was probley the sweetest person on earth. She knew that not even Elizebeth 'Cassie' Carter could follow the four rules given.

"I guessing you're not telling your therapist," Natasha responded before a sarcastic laugh came from Cassie.

"Bloody Nora, you would want to be bloody insane to tell her." Cassie didn't even wanna think what Doctor Raynor would say if she found out. The older woman was in her probably late fifties, and she defiantly acted like it. She was cranky and Cassie despised the woman.

The two redhead road in the car in silence. But when Natasha had stopped the car at a red light she asked a question that was itchy her mind hard "How come your accent hasn't left you? You'd think that after nearly ninety years in America you'd have maybe a small bit of an American accent."

With her trained eyes, Natasha spotted Cassie slightly tense at the question. Cassie sighed and bowed her head before she finally admitted it "I do have an American accent. Well, I used to." She could see out of the corner of her eye Natasha looked at her confused before she started driving again. "During all my years in Hydra, I had kept my accent. It had a small bit of an American and Russian accent mixed in, but you could hear the English. Don't ask me how, but I just somehow did. But after Hydra and Bucky and I moved to Romania my American accent started to slightly show. After a time it got stronger and stronger. Bucky was first to notice, he ask me about it and that's when it dawned on me." 

"I always associated The Phantom Fox as Russian or American. Certainly not English, even though I had an accent at the time. So when I realised that I was losing my English accent I got scared. Because for a long time, the only way I differed from The Phantom Fox and Cassie Carter was by accents. I wanted my strong English accent back so I could feel like myself again- if only a small one. So I forced one on. And after time, my English accents started to come back."

She hadn't told anyone before besides Steve or Bucky. She didn't know why she didn't want to tell anyone. But I guess it was one of those secrets you don't know why it's a secret. She could hear a small 'Wow' come from Natasha.

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