Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Sam," Bucky called as they walked down the steps of Isaiah's front porch. It was clear that Sam was upset at Bucky for hiding Isaiah from the rest of the world.  

"Why did you tell me about Isaiah?" He snapped. "How could nobody bring him up." Sam gestured back to the house behind them. 

The trio fell into a silence as they walked up the street, which only seemed to anger Sam, Cassie looked over at Sam before looking over at Bucky. She could see Sam's point of view at why he was mad, but she could also see why Bucky didn't mention him.

There was no humour or lightheartedness in his voice like there usually was when he snapped again. "I asked you a question, Bucky." 

"I know." Bucky sighed. Cassie decided it was best if she didn't talk, not wanting to get dragged into it. 

"Did Steve know about him?" Sam questioned, raising his voice as he did so.

"He didn't, I didn't tell him. I only told Cassie." Bucky gestured to the woman beside her, who was now holding a scolding look on her face, not wanting to be dragged into the argument. 

Cassie being the more mature one of the three stood between the two and attempted to stop them, knowing both of them too well and that they were both hotheads towards each other and she also didn't want it to escalate further. "Look, Sam. I one hundred percent understand why you're mad, and you have every right to be mad and shout at Bucky- and me for that matter if you'd like even though it wasn't my story to tell." She turned to face him, her back turned to Bucky.

When she could see the small tinge of guilt in his face she smiled, Sam knew that he couldn't be mad at her seeming that she was right to say ing that it wasn't her story to tell. She then turned to Bucky, "And Bucky, look I also get why you didn't tell Sam and asked me not to tell him. But you've also got to have some empathy and see why Sam's mad. But this isn't the place to shout at yell at each other, it's too public." She gestured to the houses around them. "Can you hold it until we get somewhere more private so nobody is gazing at us listening in?"

Sam sighed for a second, Cassie could see that he was trying, but it wasn't working. "So you're telling there was a black Super Soldier, decades ago and nobody knew about it."  Sam pointed to Iaisah's house as they came to a stop.

Cassie looked between the two again, sighing. But out of the corner of her eye, she glanced over at the police car that was turning towards them and the sirens sounded. Cassie had only experienced five years in the modern world, but that was long enough for her to quickly let go of Bucky's bicep and quickly interlock her fingers with Sam's. She had used her powers to ever so slightly change her appearance, to change her ginger hair to a plankton blond, get rid of her freckles and her green eyes to a dark brown. knowing full well that the cops might know who she is know she's lying. 

Bucky gave the woman a confused look as to why she was holding Sam's hand but didn't say anything when he say the look on Cassie's face a slight shack of her head. Her way of silently telling him not to question it.

She could feel Sam stiffen noticing the police officer climbed out of his car, "Hey." The cop shouted, gaining their attention. 

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