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I roll onto my stomach as I slowly wake up. I sit up on my elbows, looking down at my bed with confusion. How did I get in here?

I throw the blanket off me and step out into the living room, staring at the empty couch. The clock on our oven reads 11:45.

The shower running from Morgan's bathroom echoes through the apartment, alerting me of her presence. I retreat back into my room and unplug my phone. I sigh when I look at the notifications. None from him.

I swipe on the message from Kat.

You still down to help us film tn?

I tell her I'll be there around 6:00. Sam has been begging her to come do an exploration video with him and the roommates for a while, but she only agreed to go if I came with. This will be the first video that I'll actually be in. Sam told me about how everyone will be getting a camera so we can all capture different things. The thought of it has left me anxious for days, and after hiding behind the camera for a few videos now, it's finally here.

While Morgan showers, I decide to start making some breakfast. I just scrape the eggs out of the pan as she walks out in her towel. The entire time I was cooking, I debated on confronting her about the text message. But seeing as she'll be coming with us tonight, I decided it wasn't the best time.

"You look like a tired house wife." She teases. I force a chuckle as I slide her a plate.

"I feel like one." I sigh. Once I finish my food, she agrees to clean up so I can shower.

The entire time the water washes over me, I think of Colby. I remember his lips on mine, and the words he said last night. I thought I was the only one thinking of him. I thought he didn't want to remember me.

I shut the faucet off and step out of the shower, grabbing a towel to dry off. I get changed into some comfortable clothes for tonight, keeping the colors dark in case the cops show up.


Morgan and I slide into the backseat of the Toyota with Kat in the middle. Sam takes the passenger seat next to Colby. Corey, Elton, and Aaron follow behind us in Corey's mustang.

We all talk about the abandoned mall excitedly. Once we pull up front, Sam distributes a camera to me and Kat before turning his own on and starting up the intro.

"What's up guys! It's Sam and Colby! We just got to the abandoned mall. Tonight we're exploring with Kat, her lovely friends Y/N and Morgan, and the rest of the guys." He speaks enthusiastically before giving the camera some history on the place. Once he finishes, we climb out of the car and all group up.

We discuss a game plan for if the cops come then all squeeze into the hole in the wall to get inside. Once we're in, everyone breaks off into their own little groups, but we still keep relatively close. I take the opportunity to stick around Colby.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" I ask, shoving my hands in my pockets as I look around. Moonlight seeps in through the glass roof, lighting up just about the whole mall in an eerie way.

"Is there something I should be remembering?" He responds with disinterest. I take that as my answer and just keep my mouth shut.

He turns on his camera, switching to a much more lively attitude. He's so different than his online persona. I've been watching their videos, trying to figure him out, but him online vs off are two entirely different people. When the cameras are off, he's so cold and withdrawn.

We find our way to an old escalator, "Here, let me set the camera up and we can run up them. It'll be a good shot." I say, trying not to geek out too hard.

He just smiles and agrees. He counts down from three and we race up the steps, giggling the whole time. I'm the first to get to the top, and he glares at me with defeat, "You definitely cheated!" He accuses, nudging my shoulder.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I laugh. We stand at the top, lingering for a moment. We wandered off so far from the others we can't even hear their voices anymore. Our heavy breathing is the only noise breaking the silence.

I can't help but stare up at him, and he seems to be struggling to hide his smile, nearly forcing a frown. But I can see his eyes crinkle just a bit.

"Hey, Y/N.." he grabs my hand, taking a step closer to me.

"Yeah?" My voice shakes under his touch.

Slowly, he leans down towards me. Just as his warm breath hits my lips, a white flash dances across the wall behind him. I quickly pull back and turn around towards it.

"Shit." He groans. Five flashlights flicker in the distance from outside the building, shining into the windows.

He grabs my hand and we rush down the escalator, swiping up the camera as we reach the bottom. We sprint to find the others so we can bail.

"Dude!" Colby calls out to Sam once we find him with Kat and Morgan, "There's cops outside!"

"Fuck! We gotta go!" Sam exhales, shoving his equipment into his backpack.

"Where are Aaron, Corey, and Elton?" I question, panic starting to set in.

"Here," Colby hands me his camera, "Start switching out the sim cards. Keep the old ones in your bra or something. We'll go find the others. Lay low until we get back." He rushes his words before him and Sam disappear deeper into the mall.

The girls and I start stashing the sim cards before throwing two of the cameras into bags. We keep one out to keep recording.

"Come on." I whisper, leading them into one of the shops. We duck behind a counter, watching as the cops patrol the main hall. I peak the camera up over it, just catching the lights as they pass.

Adrenaline floods my veins. This is the craziest thing I've ever done. Kat sits beside me, chewing on her nails. Morgan seems unphased. A few minutes pass before my phone buzzes.

Colby: are you guys okay? We had to hide.

You: we're good. they didn't see us. can you guys get out?

Colby: they're too close. we're definitely getting caught.

I lock my phone and shove it in my pocket before I stand up.

"What are you doing?!" Kat whisper shouts, fear painted on her face.

"Just get ready to run to the exit." I reply, bending down and grabbing a piece of loose brick.

We creep out of the store into the hall. I motion them to go with my hand, and they obey.

Keeping low to the ground, I creep up to the railing by one of the stair cases. Looking over, I see the guys all huddled behind an old kiosk a floor below. The cops are about fifty feet from them, slowly getting closer.

I text Colby.

You: look up.

He searches the floor until he sees me peeking over the railing. I hold the brick up in his view then point towards the exit. He nods understandingly, a small smirk pulling at his lips. He whispers something to the guys and all their eyes follow his finger pointing up at me.

I aim the brick in the opposite direction of the guys and throw it as hard as I can. It crashes onto the tiles, erupting a loud crack that echoes through the whole mall. The cops turn and rush off to find the source of the crash. As soon as they're gone, the guys all flood out from their hiding place and book it towards the stairs. They quickly make their way to me and together we rush towards the exit.

One by one we squeeze out and pile into the cars. I jump in the back, nearly crushing Morgan and Kat in the process as Sam shouts, "Go! Go! Go!" At Colby who fumbled with his keys.

The engine roars to life and we speed off, the rest of the guys close behind, leaving nothing but a trail of dust.

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