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Kat and I hop into Devyn's car, and we start our drive to the mall.

We leave for New Zealand tomorrow after waiting a long two weeks after Colby shared the news with me. Getting new clothes for the trip was Devyn's idea, and I definitely wouldn't pass up a girl's day with all the nerves I've been having lately.

This is my first time leaving the country, and although I'm excited to spend so much time with the roommates, spending every second with them in an R.V. for a month is not how I imagined doing so.

And on top of it all, I'm finally starting my own channel. Colby and I have been official for coming up on three months now, and ever since Colby announced us the fans have been begging for me to start one, and I figured this trip would be a great idea to film some travel vlogs and incorporate some of my photography background.

To say my life has completely 180ed since I met Colby would be an understatement, but he's been by my side helping me adjust, and I couldn't be more grateful.

We spend the drive trying to guess the activities Elton has planned for us, as he's been very secretive to keep it all a surprise.

"I'm down for anything, honestly." I laugh as we try to find a parking spot.

"I'm terrified. Elton's fuck-it list can get intense." Dev says as she pulls into a spot.

"At least we'll look hot during whatever bullshit he puts us through." Kat giggles, and we all pool out of the car and head inside.

We stop at our first store and roam around, grabbing some clothes before we make our way to the dressing rooms.

I try on a silky red strapless top that hugs my chest nicely first. I step out to show them, and instantly get big reactions.

"Who is sheeee!" Kat beams, exaggerating a gawking look. We all laugh amongst ourselves as we take turns hyping each other up and taking mirror pics for our snapchat stories.

As I'm trying on a pair of high waisted shorts, my phone lights up from the bench in the dressing room. I smile as Colby's name appears on my notifications bar. I swipe on it, opening up snapchat.

Colbaby: come home already so I can take that off you ;)

He responded to my post in the new shirt.

I bite down on my lip as I pull up my camera, slipping out of the shorts so I'm in nothing but my bra and panties. I hold my phone up to the mirror and take a quick picture and send it to him.

The girls and I spend another few hours at the mall, and by the time we leave each of our hands are filled with numerous bags, heavy enough to hurt our fingers by the time we get back to the car.


Colby's heart beat thumps beneath me, helping me relax and drift off. Everyone is all packed and ready to hit the airport in the morning, the hard part is just settling the nerves enough to sleep. For me, at least. Colby's soft snores create a comforting white noise in the room. I glance up at his face every so often, taking in the peaceful beauty of the man I get to call mine.

Just as I finally start to grow tired, I'm snapped back awake by my phone ringing. I lift it up, seeing my dad's name lighting up the screen.

I carefully climb out of bed without waking Colby, sneaking off into the bathroom.

"Hey? Is everything okay?" I answer with an immediate question as he is never up at 2:00am.

"Honey? Where are you?" He responds, his voice littered with panic.

"I'm at my boyfriend's. What's going on dad?" I keep my voice hushed despite the worry growing within me.

"There's been an accident. Mom's in the hospital, sweetheart. It's bad. I need you to come to the hospital, we don't know if she will pull through."

My heart plummets and my hands begin to shake. So many questions swarm my mind, but I simply tell him okay before rushing out to my car. Before I drive, I send a text to Colby so he knows where I disappeared to when he wakes up,

in case I don't make it back on time.

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