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Kat took a deep breath as she made her way across the set of Supernatural to the wardrobe trailer. She hadn't run into Jared, Jensen or Misha yet and she was terrified for when she did. She hadn't really interacted with Jensen or Misha much yet, but the little interaction she had had with Jared left her heart pounding out of her chest and her hands sweating in anticipation. As she reached the wardrobe trailer, the door swung open and the exact giant she had been thinking about stepped out with Jensen on his heels. He was laughing, a giant smile on his face as he talked with his companion and she was frozen in place as she stared.

"Shut up, man, I'm just saying, I-" Jared cut himself off midsentence when his eyes fell on her. "Kitty Kat."

She felt her cheeks heat up at his nickname for her that he had only called her once in the comment section of Instagram.

"Padalecki," she greeted him.

"Okay, you two can do this later, we need to get to makeup," Jensen interrupted.

"Do we really?" Jared whined.

"Yeah, Jared, we do. Let's go. Nice to meet you, Kat."

"You too," she smiled as Jensen pulled Jared away toward the makeup trailer.

After taking a minute to recompose herself, she entered the wardrobe trailer.

"Hi, I'm Katherine Davis," she introduced herself to the woman she found inside. "I'm playing Summer Atkinson."

"Oh, yes. You're outfit is over here," the woman informed her. "I'm Molly, by the way."

"Nice to meet you."

"You as well. Here you are."

"Thanks," she smiled, taking the outfit from Molly.

"There's a changing room back there."

Kat made her way back to the changing room to put on the outfit. It was plain black leggings paired with an off white top with a design on the front in black. There was also a plain silver necklace and hoop earrings to go with it and the whole look was finished off with a pair of knee high black leather boots. Once she had changed, she said good bye to Molly and headed over to hair and makeup. Once more, she ran into the boys as they were leaving the trailer and it was Jared's turn to freeze up when he saw her.

"We really need to stop meeting like this," she joked.

"Yeah, no kidding," Jensen laughed since Jared still hadn't recovered.

Jared's eyes moved over her, taking in her outfit as he gave her a once over and she felt her cheeks heating up once more.

"Well, I guess we'll see you soon. Come on, idiot."

She hid her giggle in her hand as Jensen once again pulled Jared away by the arm, her smile not going away as she entered the new trailer.

"Ooh, you must be the new girl playing Summer. I'm Jeannie, this is Helen."

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Katherine, but most people call me Kat."

"Come one, let's get you ready so you can get to work."

Kat sat in the chair next to Jeannie and she messed with her hair a little. She left it down, just using a straightening iron to style it so it had a slight wave at the ends. When she had finished, Kat moved over to Helen's side of the trailer so she could do her makeup. Summer didn't wear anything bold, just keeping it fairly natural. The most she did was add some mascara and a touch of eyeliner and then painted her lips a nude color.

"Thanks, guys," Kat smiled when Helen had finished.

"You're welcome. Say hi to Jared for us, alright?"

Kat felt her cheeks heating up in a blush once more and she mumbled something incoherent as she left the trailer and made her way over to the sound stage to film her first scene on the set of Supernatural.

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