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Has it been 24 hours yet?

Lol, nope. 9 more hours togo.

This thing is itchy. I want to
take it off.

Feel free. Just know that if
you do so before the 24 hours
are up, you will not be getting my

Take it off? Who said anything about
taking it off? I love wearing a dress.

Yeah, okay, Samantha.


It's the female version of Sam. Obviously.

You're having way too much
fun with this, Kitty Kat.

I hope you know that that is
your nick name from now on.

Oh, lucky me.


Three minutes!

I thought you liked wearing the
dress, Samantha.

Yeah, well, I'm just excited to finally
get your number. Two minutes.

What if we get to the 24 hour mark
and I just totally deny you my phone

Then that would make you a horrible
person and I would probably cry.
One minute.


24 hours! You owe me a phone

First I want proof that you're still
in a dress.

Ugh... fine.
*picture sent*

Wow, you look amazing, Samantha.

Shut up.
What's your number?


Thanks, Kitty Kat. 
Good night!

Good night, Samantha.

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