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"Get your phones out."


"Get your phones out, and get as many cast and crew members as you can to do it too. You're going to want to get this on camera."

"Get what on camera?" Misha asked next to Jensen.

"Jared's about to arrive wearing a dress," Kat informed them.

"Wait, what?" Jensen did a double take.

"Long story. Just get as many people as you can to record this."

Misha was quicker to respond than Jensen, taking out his phone and hurrying to recruit as many people as he could find to back him up. Jensen hung back, looking at Kat like she had grown a second head.

"Why is Jared arriving wearing a dress?"

"So about a week after I started, he messaged me on Instagram asking for my number. I refused and he said he'd do anything to get it. So after I consulted with my friend, I told him he had to wear a dress for 24 hours and I'd give him my number. Cut to yesterday, he told me he would wear the dress to work today if I'd talk to him. So that's why he's arriving wearing a dress."

Jensen looked at her dumbstruck by the end of her explanation.

"He actually agreed to that?"

"Believe me, I was just as surprised as you, but that day he sent me pictures intermittently of him doing different things while wearing the dress and with how adamant he's been lately about trying and get me to respond, I doubt he'd show up in anything but the dress on."

Jensen opened his mouth to say something else, but froze with his mouth hanging open as he stared at something behind the shorter girl. Slowly, Kat turned to see Jared wearing the red dress from before along with a pair of red heels. In his hand was a bouquet of roses. Kat brought her hands up to her mouth to hide her smile as he walked closer to her, her shoulders shaking with laughter.

"Katherine Josie Davis," he began. "I am so unbelievably sorry for what I said to you. The truth is, I was jealous because ever since I saw you and learned you were auditioning, I've had a crush on you. Would you please forgive me, and do me the favor of going out on a date with me?"

Taking a slow breath in order to calm her laughter, Kat brought her hands down away from her mouth and stared up at the giant goof of a man.

"Of course I will, ya idjit."

The crowd around them cheered as she took the roses from him and he grabbed her around the waist, spinning her in a circle before setting her down.

"Thanks, Kitty Kat," he told her softly as the crowd began to disperse.

"Are you going to be wearing that all day, or did you bring something to change into?" she asked him.

"I brought a change of clothes. This thing really is itchy."

She began laughing again as they headed back toward his car for him to grab the change of clothes before they went to get ready for a day of filming.

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